Chapter seven

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I patiently waited at the airport, searching for the blonde boy.

People started coming out of the plane, and finally I spotted the tall blondie along with his 3 friends.

"Luke!" I ran to greet him, as he dropped his bags and ran to me.

"Ariana!" He called, pushing through the crowd of people.

When we both met face to face, we just stopped and started to laugh.

He pulled me in for a bone crushing hug, twirling me around, hearing aw's come from a few people.

"We'll see you later." Calum said, having the Michael and Ashton follow along.

Ashton, handed Luke's dropped luggage and runs off the catch up with the rest of the boys.

"Ariana." Luke's expression changed and his blue eyes traveled to my cheek,"What's this?"

"What?" I tried pretend I didn't have a clue.

"You know what I'm talking about. What's this bruise doing on your face?" He touched it, making me whimper.

He quickly took his hand away, looking at me with concern.

"It's nothing to worry, alright? I just fell off the bed." I lie right to his face.

"You got a big bruise from falling off the bed on the soft carpet?"


"I'm not buying it. You cannot get a big ass bruise from falling onto the carpet. Just tell me what really happened. I won't get mad."

"Can we just not talk about here? Please?" I look at my shoes.

"Fine. But when we get home, you're gonna tell me what the hell happened, so I can make sure it won't happen in the future." He grabs my hand, leading me out the airport.

The car ride home was silent. The only noise was coming from the radio.

Many things were running through my head, wonder if tell luke what really happened, would he even let me see Harry again?

I know Harry didn't do it on pupose, his madness was taking over.

I have so little time to make an excuse or just tell him the truth. He'll be pissed and upset either way, just go for the right desicion.

Tell Luke the truth.

Telling him lies isn't worth losing him. He's the only family I have left.

He parked right outside our home, having an emotionless expression on his face.


"Someone hit you, didn't they?" He interrupted me.

"No, I mean yes, but-"


"Excuse me?"

"I said who?" He turned to look at me, his beautiful blue eyes turning a darker shade of blue.

I've never seen this side of him before, it almost scared me. He's always so calm and collected, barely angry. It's rare to see him like this.

"I asked you a question, and I want the answer." His voice was deep.

"Promise you won't get mad, or do anything you would regret for your sake and mine. I got myself into the mess, you just get to know the answer. Okay?" I bit my lip, frightened of what he'll do, considering he's beyond mad and getting frustrated.

"Fine." He ran his hands through his blonde quiff.

"Harry." I finally revealed.


"Harry hit me, but by accident. He didn't take his medication, so he went mad."

I was waiting for Luke to yell at me, but instead, he just got out of the car mumbling an 'okay'.

I smiled, getting out of the car.

"That's all? I can still be with Harry?"

Luke laughed a little, stepping into the house, turning to face down at me.

"I never said you could still hang out with him."

My heart dropped, not believing what Luke just said.

"No." I protested.

"I said so, so you can't hang out with him."

"Wow, Luke, that's such a great reason. You should be lawyer."

"He hit you. I'm not gonna let that happen again. End of story."

"No, this conversation isn't over yet!" I pull at his wrists, making him come back.

"It's over. Him not taking his medicine isn't an excuse. It's his fault and you got hit for it. You can still work at that foster place, but I'll make sure you won't be around Harry."

"I know you care, and I appriciate it so much, but this is my life, you aren't the boss of me 24/7, and Harry hitting me was a damn accident."

"I'm not bossing you everyday. If you got hit you once, then there's a chance he'll hit you again. He's dangerous and he's a freak, get that in your head already." Luke poked my head.

"And who are you judge? You don't even know him, and you go around calling him a freak? That's pathetic."


"Save your breath." I spin around, running to my room.

I stop midway on the stairs, turning back around to look at him right in the eyes.

"He's not a freak. He's just scared."

Aaaah Ariana's birthday is in 4 days :D she's growing up so fast :-(

I personally think this is my favorite chapter so far :-)

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