Chapter six

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"Do you really have to go to London?" I help Luke pack his clothes,"I mean, it's so far away."

"Don't you worry. Me and the lads will be just fine." He smiles, stuffing unnecessary items into his tiny suitcase.

"I don't know if you'll be okay. I mean, you're packing your stuffed penguin with you. Do you really need him?" I pick up the plush.

"Yes, in fact, I do." He snatches the penguin and hugs it close.

I laugh, while he gently puts the penguin back into the suitcase.

"But, what the hell am I gonna do without you?" I pout, giving him the puppy dog eyes.

"It's only one week. And hey, you got Louis to keep you company."

"Yeah, yeah." I roll my eyes,"I'm going to bed, night." I get up from his bed, walking to my room.

I turn off my light, throwing my sheets over my body.

My phone glows, then buzzes. I open my eyes, looking at the screen seeing that I've got a new message from Harry.

Harry: If these sheets were the states and you were miles away, I'd fold them end over end to bring you closer to me because I don't sleep at all, without you pressed up againt me. I settle for long distance calls, I'm lost in empty pillow talk again...

Me: Harry, did you just text me atl lyrics at midnight?

Harry: indeed I did :) it's your favorite song by them too, right?

Me: yeah

Me: wait.. You actually listen to my conversations?

Harry: why wouldn't I? I love talking to you. You get me, I get you. What're friends for?

Me: yeah haha friends forever.

I set down my phone, going back to my slumber.



"Have a safe flight. Behave yourselves." I quickly kiss him on the cheek, hugging the rest of the boys.

"See you in a week!" Luke calls from the gates, his voice echoing around the area, until he blends in with the rest of the passengers.

I walk out of the airport, the sun hitting my face.

I got into my car, sitting there, looking out at the open sky.

I drive to the foster house, just wanting to get the day over with. I'm not up for anything, not even Harry.

"Morning, Ariana." Cyndi greets.

"Hi." I wave, walking right past her, making my way to Harry's room.

I put my hand on the handle, opening the door, but I hear a loud crash and yelling.

"I don't want to take these anymore!" I hear him yell, his voice cracking.

"Harry, sweetie, you have to."

"Don't "sweetie me"!" He rubs his blood shot eyes.

"It will help prevent your madness. Look, it's already starting!"

"I refuse!"

"You. Have. To."

"No! I am who I am. I won't let pills hide my true self."

"See? You're already talking non-sense."

"It's not non-sense! I'm not crazy! Just get out!" He yells.

The lady simply turns around, as I run the opposite direction, hoping she didn't see me eavesdrop.

"Oh, I wouldn't go into Harry's room today." The lady kindly smiles, walking away.

But I went into his room anyways.

He's sitting in the corner, rocking back and forth like a child who just got his childhood ruined.

"Harry?" I step further into his room.

He sniffs, looking up at me, his eyes lighting up,"Ariana." He gets up, wrapping me in his strong arms.

"It's okay." I soothe him.

He lets go, giving me the chance to pick up the bottle of pills.

"Why aren't you taking it?" I scan the pills lying on the floor.

"Because." He sighs.

"Because is not an answer." I cross my arms.

"You see, last night, I was thinking about my medications. How it controls my life, in a way. How it hides my true self. Nobody nows who I am, nobody knows the real me. It's like makeup, I guess. It hides the real me. And I don't like it. The pills control my feelings, my actions, everything I do. I don't wanna be something that I don't want. I don't want to fit in with what society thinks what's best for me."

I'm lost in words, his message was so deep.

I close my eyes, staring down at the bottle.

But maybe, just maybe it's his madness taking over him. It's not really his words.

"Harry. Take the pills." I pick one off the floor.

"No. Not you too." He takes a step back,"Don't let society win."

"Harry. It's for your best." I corner him.

"I said NO!" His hand comes in contact with my face.

I stand there, emotionless.

"Ariana. I didn't mean to." Tears start to form in his eyes again.

I let out a laugh,"Is that all you got? Do you really think that hurt me?"

"What?" He lets small tears out.

I throw my arms around his neck, pulling him in for a warm hug.

"Wh-why are you hugging me? I just hit you!" He pulls away.

"You didn't hit me."

"What are you-"

"Your madness did."

Not so sure about this chapter.. :-( i felt like it didn't make sense at all.

So if you didn't get it, let me sum it all up: basically, Harry realized that the pills were taking over his life. Controlling his emotions and actions. So he refused to take the pills. He thinks that pills are what society offers to keep everyone normal. But harry doesn't want that life, he wants to be who he is regardless of what people think. Now here's the tricky part, Ariana kinda just put him to the test. Like... Harry vs. madness. She believes that Harry is right about escaping society's offerings and just being yourself no matter what. So she said "take the pills" to see if he would really take them, which he didn't, so he hit her. She got what she wanted, therefore she wanted his madness to kinda take over him, because that's who he really is.

I hope it kinda helped? No? Alright.

But don't worry, It'll get better later.

Oh and, this takes place in Los Angelos because 1) LA is my citayyy^_^ 2) i have no reason, but LA is cool haha

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