Chapter eight

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"Hey." Luke comes into my room, sitting on the coner of my bed.

I take my eyes off my phone to look at him,"Hi."

"Look, I'm sorry if I upset you."

"You did upset me."

"I'm sorry. I know you think this guy is great, but I'm only looking out for you. If something ever happens to you, I would never forgive myself."

"I know." I crawl over, giving him a warm hug.

"Do you wanna go get takeout?" He asks.

"No, I think I'll just go to bed. I just want to have some alone time."

"You sure?"

I nod my head, as Luke took one last glance at me, shutting my door.

I took a peak under the door, seeing his shadow disappear.

Once the coast was clear, I quietly open my bedroom window, climbing down the tree.

I pull out my phone, sending a message to Harry.

Me: meet me out the front in 10 :)

Once I was at the foster house, Harry was sitting in the parking lot, playing on his phone.

"Harry." I whisper, hoping not to get caught by the people working here.

"Hi. What did you want to talk about?" He clicks his phone off, shoving it in his pajama pants.

"I didn't want to talk. Can't I just hang out with my friend at night?" I playfully punch his muscular arm.

"I guess?" He chuckles, licking his lips,"We can go to the park or somthing. Your choice."

"Aren't we gonna get caught?"

"Not really, the people in there let me hang out at night sometimes, as long as control myself."

"Then, let's go." I put my hand out, Harry happily taking it in his.

And here we are, laying down on the grass, admiring the stars out tonight.

"Do you believe in angels?" Harry asks, still completely focused on the sky.

"Yeah. I've met two, in fact. Even three." I answer, picking at the grass.


"Yeah. The first two were my parents."

"Who's the third?"


"Me?" Harry sits up,"I'm no angel. I'm more of a demon."

"Well, some demons have the heart of an angel. They're not always creatures with horns and flames and all that stuff."

"I guess."

"But sometimes, that inner demon can come out and take over. Aren't you scared of that?"

"No." Harry lays back down,"I believe that fear has a deeper meaning than just being scared of something."

"Well, what do you mean by that?"

"I mean like, no one is scared of anything. You just think it's scary, but you haven't even tried it."

"So you're encouraging me to jump off a building?"

"Not exactly, but you do get the point."

"You're crazy." I laugh, moving closer to him.

"That's what I'm here for." He takes his large hands, and wraps it around my petite hands.

"But in all seriousness, don't be scared of something you haven't experienced."

"I'll think about it." I smile, kissing his cheek.

"Ariana?!" Someone calls, the sound of footsteps running.

"That's Luke. Run, Harry." I whisper, quickly standing up.

"Why? I wanna meet him." Harry refuses to hide.

"Now is not the time. Luke found out you hit me, now go!" I push Harry.

"No, I'd love to meet Luke."

"You can do that some other time. He hates you at the moment."

"What do you mean?"

"Can we not talk, he's coming closer, run, please." I push Harry, a little too hard.

He frowns,"How would you like it if I pushed you?" He puts his hands on my shoulders and pushes me to the ground sure to leave a bruise somewhere, just as Luke spotted us.

"Ariana!" He sprints over to my side, helping me up.

As soon, as I get on my feet, Luke slams his fist right at Harry's face.

I was shocked, even Luke was himself.

Harry tumbles to the grass, Luke having no expression at all, but his fists still clenched.

"Harry." I whisper, fight back tears.

"I'm fine. I deserved it anyways for pushing you." He gave me a sad smile.

"Hell yeah you deserved it. Don't even dare lay a finger on her again." Luke spits at him, dragging me with him.

I release from his grip, running to Harry.

"I'm sorry." I cry, touching his wound.

"Ow." He gasps, my hand quickly removing from his face.

"I'm so sorry."

"It's okay. Go home." He says, barely above a whisper.

"Harry, one last thing."


"I'm sacred."

"What are you scared of?"

"You." I breathe out.

"I see."

I kiss his unhurt cheek, and run to Luke, just ready to go home and hear a bunch of 'i told you so's'.

AAAAH HAPPY BIRTHDAY ARIANA! 21... I can not fucking believe it. You're growing up so fast, I remember when you turned 17. Where did the time go? You've made it so far, it's incredible and I'm so proud of you. You may be taking the world by storm, but you'll always be our little Cat Valentine. Love you<3

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