Chapter fourteen

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"Alright, class. These next two weeks are gonna be extremely busy for us." Mrs. Moriyama announces,"We have prom this weekend, then graduation. It may seem very little, but it takes alot of hard work to prepare."

The class cheers and the whole room was filled with exitement.

"Ariana, who are you gonna bring to prom?" One of my friends, Ellie, nudged my arm.

"I don't know. I don't wanna get dressed up and spend too much money for one night." I shrug, doodling in my notebook.

"Oh c'mon! You don't have to buy a limo like the people in the movies. Buy a nice, but reasonably priced dress." Another one of my friends, Kylie, smiled.

"We can go shopping today, yeah?" Ellie offered,"We haven't hung out in a while."

"Sure?" I agreed, the reply coming out more like a question.

"I mean, you don't have to, we're not forcing you." Kylie spoke up.

"No, no. I do want to hang out and shop, it's just I've been thinking about some stuff, you know?"

"What kind of stuff?" Ellie asked.

"This boy." I smile,"His name's Harry, and I met him at the foster care place, and he's the sweetest."

"What does he look like?" Kylie smiles, obviously wanting to know more.

I turn my head, checking if the teacher wasn't looking our way, pulling out my phone, to show the girls a photo of Harry.

"He's cute." Ellie says.

"He's mine." I tell her, making the two of them laugh.

"You know, you should ask him to go to prom with you." Says Kylie.

"That's actually not bad."

"Yeah." Ellie agrees, nodding her head.

"You know, I always thought you and Luke would be the ones who went to prom and dated in the end." Kylie says, making me turn my full attention to her.

"Never in a million years. Yes, I do love Luke, but never like that. We're basically family." I assure her.

"You never know." She speaks in a small sing-song voice, Ellie nudging her in the arm and muttering a "stop that"

I ignore the both of them, and continue with my assignment.

During lunch, I make a quick call to Harry.

"Hello?" He picks up.

"Harry, I wanted to ask you something."

"What is it?"

"Have you ever been to a prom?"


"Well would you like to go to one?"

"Me? Prom? I don't even have anything nice to wear."

"I can buy you a suit." I quickly answer,"I really want you to go. But if you don't want to go, it's okay."

"Of course I want to. It sounds fun." I feel like he's smiling on the other end.

"Okay. I'll buy you something today, alright?"

"Yeah, thank you."

"Oh and what size are you?" I say before we hang up.

"Medium, I guess?"

"Alright. Love you, bye."

I click off my phone, sliding down the lockers, feeling so in love at the moment.

"Ari? You okay?" Luke steps out of the noisy lunchroom, sitting right next to me.

"Better than okay." I smile, clutching onto my phone.

"What's up?" He asks, putting his head on top of mine.

"Harry and I are attending the prom together. He agreed to be my date."

Luke stays quiet, muttering an,"Oh. I see."

"Luke you can't stop me from this." I say frustratedly, knowing he disapproves.

"No, it's not that. Go with him. Have fun." He scruffs up my hair, walking back to the lunchroom without another word.

Luke's POV

AN- For this story, I try to make it only Ariana's point of view, but hey, luke's point of view won't be too bad, yeah? Remember, this is an only one time thing, so please don't ask for more these. Fanks :)

I walk back into the lunchroom, sitting down next to Calum.

"So did you ask her or did you wuss out?" Michael asks, eating down on his pizza.

"Michael, don't be rude." Ashton hits his arm.

"She's going with him."

"Who's him?" Calum asks.

"Harry, you dipshit." I huff out, instantly regretting that,"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to call you that."

"It's okay. I can be your date instead." Calum says, making the boys including me laugh a little.

"Yeah, who needs a date when you got us?" Ashton lets out his many laughs.

Ariana's POV

By the time I got home, it was already 6.

I had just finished prom shopping with Kylie and Ellie.

I purchased a little black dress, that had sparkling designs that had a see through area where the torso is.

For Harry, I bought him any regualr black suit out there.

I unlock the door, smelling food linger around the house.

I drop the bags and shut the door, rushing into the kitchen, where Luke was cooking up dinner.

"Looks good." I smile, walking right next to him.

"It's almost done." He plainly says, pouring sauce in the pan.

"Okay." I smile, biting the insides of my left cheek, taking a seat at the table.

Once Luke finished, he turned off the stove, bringing the food to the table along with plates and utensils.

"So how was your day out?" Luke sits down, taking out his phone.

"It was great, actually. I bought a dress for prom."

"Really? Can I see?" He asks, picking at his food.

"Sure." I get up from my seat, getting the bags I left on the floor. I walk back into the kitchen, taking out the dress to show Luke.

"Kinda skimpy, if you ask me." He says.

"I never asked you." I set the dress back in the bag, sitting back in my place to eat my dinner.

"I'm just saying. It's really pretty, but I'm just afraid Harry might get a little handsy." He shudders at the thought of that.

"Stop that, we're eating." I laugh, making him laugh as well,"And besides, Harry doesn't seem like the handsy kind of kid. He's really quiet and mysterious."

"Well I'm keeping an eye on you. No funny buisness." He glares at me, thinking he's so scary.

"Okay, whatever you say." I smirk, glaring right back at him.

Soooo Sam and Cat is ending..

I'm think I'm gonna cry because everything started with Cat you know? She's the reason why I love Ariana so much. I remember watching Victorious all the time and thinking,"Wow Cat's so cool I wanna be her." And damn its kind hard to let her go but hey, all good things must come to an end. I'm sad now :(

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