Chapter seventeen

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I didn't sleep for the rest of the night, worrying about Luke's drunken state, he could've done something stupid.

The sun had awaken, so I went back inside to make myself something to eat, considering I didn't have dinner.

"Ariana." Luke lazily walks into the kitchen, holding his head.

"I knew it." I mutter, grabbing the cereal from the counter.

"Knew what?" He plopped himself down at the kitchen table.

"You have a small hangover." I search the cabinets for aspirin.

"What even happened last night? All I remember was that I was with the boys at practice then they took me to a bar."

"You got drunk. Isn't it obvious that you went to a bar?" I toss the aspirin at him and hand him a glass of water.

"What's this for?" He holds up the box.

"I can tell you have a headache, just take the damn pills and you'll feel better." I take a seat across from him, eating my breakfast.

"Why're you so grouchy?"

"I didn't sleep for thr rest of the night because I was worried about you."

"You were worried about me?"

"Hell yeah I was. You think I'm gonna sleep it off when I have you who got drunk for the first time. Who knows what you could've done."

"Oh." He mumbles, gulping down the water and pill,"Thanks."

"Whatever." I put the bowl into the sink,"I'm heading out."

"Wait, you're leaving me alone when I have a headache?"

"Just get some rest and drink plenty of water. You're sober now, so you won't do stupid stuff, right?" I spin around, raising an eyebrow at the blonde boy.

"I won't do stupid stuff, I promise."

"Today's my last day for the senior's community service stuff, just so you know." I announce, walking out the door.

I didn't even get changed or get ready.

I was clad in a t-shirt and sweatpants. My hair was a mess, due to sleeping on the grass all night, and I didn't even brush my teeth.

But it didn't matter, at least I'm wearing something than nothing.

I greeted Cyndi and went straight to Harry's room.

"Harry? It's me." I knock on his door with my index finger.

"Come in."

I push open the door, and he was lying on his bed.

"What're up to?" I close his door, sitting at the edge of the bed.

"Nothing. Just staring at the cieling. Thinking."

"Thinking about what?"

"It's nothing, really."

I frown a little, cuddling up to him.

"Do you want to go to the park?" I ask,"You can get your mind off of this. Thinking too much can be unhealthy."

He shakes his head, continuing to look up at the cieling.

"Or the roof at the building?"

"No." He sighs,"I don't feel like doing anything."

"It's my last day." I shrug, sitting up.

"Will I ever see you again?" Harry sat up as well.

"Of course, silly." I run my hand through his curls,"Just not as often as the last few weeks."

"But it's nearly summer, you have alot of free time to visit."

"Yes, but I have to take that free time and go to places to prepare for collage."

"Will you ever forget me?" He looks down, picking at his nails.

"What kind of question is that? I'll never forget you." I lift up his chin having him face me.

"Okay." He slightly smiles,"Let's go to the building, I change my mind."

"Let's." He holds my hand, leading me out to town and to the building.

And so we lay there on the roof, cloud watching and silent talking.

"I wonder what it's like on the other side of the world. It must be beautiful." I say, making out the cloud's shapes.

"Do you want to travel around the world?" Harry asks, kicking up his feet.

"That'd be cool, but It's too expensive."

"I could take you. We could go together."

"Harry, I appriciate it, really." I sigh,"But I wouldn't make you spend your money on me."

"The money doesn't matter. It's all about being with you and having a good time." He protests,"How cool would it be if we traveled the whole world?"

"It'd be awesome."

"Then let's travel the world together."

"Alright, deal." We both sit up, shaking hands like buisness people.

"Cool." He smiles, wrapping me in a tight embrace.

I think this book is coming close to an end.. I'm thinking maybe a a few more chapters, epilogue, and a surprise :-)

Oh and I'm sorry if I haven't updated the styles triplets all summer. It's just that I've been trying to update on this book and honestly.. i've lost all passion on continuing on that book. I'll keep it on my page, but I'm not sure if i'll update again. Sorry :-(

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