3. Worried

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I grab my phone out of my book bag to check the time it was 10:07. 1st period ends at 10:10 so we were about to leave. I started to pack up and looked at Jimin in the background. I wanted to talk to him so bad, but I couldn't do that.
Namjoon talked to my teacher last year about grades. My teacher said that I would talk to this guy all class long and never pay attention. Namjoon got so mad at me and he would hit me with a belt all over my legs. Leaving scars, marks anything. The guy's name was Taehyung and he was my childhood friend from 5th grade. I loved Tae as a brother, but Namjoon started to harass him and made fake rumors about him. Namjoon told me if I ever talk to any guys he would kill them. Taehyung had to move from all the harsh things he caused. I felt very hopeless and alone, but like always I get use to it.
*Ding-a-ling Ding-a-ling Ding-a-ling*
The bell rang and I got up from my seat and waited for the crowd to die down. As it did I hear my name get called from my teacher. I turned around and looked at her in confusion. I didn't know why she needed me, but I hoped it wasn't about my bruises or cuts or scars. I kept saying please talk about my grade over and over in my head.
"Kim Minju, May I have a word with you?" Mrs. Lee asked.
"Huh.. what if I'm late to class?" I said trying to avoid the questions.
"Minju it's ok I can write you a pass." She told me.
"Honey, I'm very concerned about you. Do you know what I'm talking about?" She asked seriously.
I ignored the question, only hearing the word honey. That's Namjoon's word and I hated hearing other people say it. I quickly come back and answered her question.
"No Mrs. Lee!" I said as I bring my right hand to my mouth. I start to bite my nails, because I'm very nervous.
Mrs. Lee looks at me with even more suspicion. She gets a sticky note from her desk and writes me a pass.
"Minju if anything is going on or you need help I'm here." Mrs. Lee said as she gave me the pass.
"I'm ok Mrs. Lee, no need to worry." I replied walking away with a fake smile.

2nd period was a big blur. It was very boring and I didn't really do anything. I sat by the window and stared at the rain falling from the sky. I would daydream about how wonderful my life could be with Jimin. I knew it wasn't going to ever happen and it was just a dream of my own fantasy.
The only thing that would spark my attention was the means girls. They would judge me from head to toe. I didn't know why they hated me so much, but I knew their words could never hurt me. I knew what real pain was and I've live through it every day. They would say how ugly my face was and body. How I'm a slut and hoe. The school new I was pregnant before. Rumors were made up and everything was ruined. Some people believed I slept with 12 guys at once. Some people believed I was raped. Some people believed I was lying and just wanting attention. People would mock me and try to hit my belly and say that I deserve to die. I didn't care about theirs words because it was meaningless. I do still have a grudge I'm holding really tight against them.

When lunch came around I was an easy target.
People threw food at me and touch me in inappropriate ways. Until Jimin came along people saw me differently like I was someone new. But when he would leave everything would crumble.
Jimin was the typical hot guy in school. Every  guy wanted to be him and every girl wanted to date him. Jimin was a nice and friendly person he liked everybody. I wish I could share that with him, but I have to respect my lover.

Gym class was my last class of the day. We had to change out and I hated it. The gym uniform was short sleeved shirt with shorts and some
high socks. I didn't want people to see my legs because my legs have the worst scars I can never hide.
I would secretly go to the bathroom to change out. As I open my gym bag I put everything on. When I was done I had to put on my shoes. I looked in my bag to find my socks. I couldn't find my socks at all. At this point I was really frustrated. I wanted to hide myself and never open that bathroom stall. I sucked it up and hoped no one would notice my scars from that belt punishment a year ago. I walk in the gym and everyone looks at my legs. I play it off like everything was fine, but I'm really scared. I walk to Jimin and asked him if he had some long socks I could wear.
"No Minju. Why?" Jimin asked
"Um.. my legs are cold." I chuckled
"Minju is like 85 degrees outside." Jimin said with confusion.
"Well do you or not?" I asked get flustered again.
"I said no.. I'm sorry." Jimin replies in a soft voice.
"What's going Minju? Jimin asked
"Nothing I'm just clumsy." I told him making excuses.
"Minju I'm more clumsy than you have been ever in your life. What's really going on?" Jimin  assumed and than asked
"Ok how would you know that?" I asked trying to change the topic.
"Minju I'm worried about you!" Jimin stated with a lot of concern.
"Jimin I told you I'm fine. Plus it's none of your business." I said getting angry with him.
"Ok well tell me this are you ok?" Jimin asked looking through my eyes into my soul.
"Yes...!" I sigh and walk away.

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