18. Guilt

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I walked home feeling really upset. I was mad at myself for not paying an attention to the road. Namjoon was walking behind me crying like a baby. I never seen him cry before, but I just rubbed it off like it was nothing. It started to rain very heavily. I didn't care and took my time. Blood from my forehead was running down my face. The blood went in my mouth and down my neck. I almost gagged. Finally Namjoon was walking beside me.
"Nam it's ok you just have a little cut on your face." I said looking at the cut on his cheek.
"Minju it's not that." Namjoon said as he cried even more.
"What is it than?" I was confused of what he was talking about.
"Minju I'm sorry!" Namjoon stopped walking.
"What? Why are you sorry?" I chuckled
"Minju it's not funny! I've been a horrible person to you!" He cried.
"I walked over to him and tried to give him a kiss."
"Minju you don't understand!" Namjoon pushed me away.
"Namjoon what do you mean?" I asked.
"I love you, but I hurt you!" He said falling to the ground.
"No you don't! I don't listen I deserve it ok!" I said trying to make him feel better.
"Come on Nam it's ok." I said getting him up off the road.
I knew Namjoon was feeling guilt in his heart and finally realized he was a monster, but I didn't care anymore and I loved him no matter what.

We finally made it to our house after an hour gone by. I believe it was already midnight. I was so exhausted and need a shower and a long nap, but Namjoon needed me more. I thought if I would leave him alone he would be upset and sad and I didn't want that so I helped him out.
"Hey Nam do you wanna play one of your games with me." I said smiling at him hoping he would feel better.
"No.. Minju that's not a good idea." Namjoon said falling on the couch.
"Nam what do you mean?" I asked him.
"Minju I'm not going to play a game with you." He said in a deep voice.
"Ok well do you want me to do anything for you?" I asked sitting next to him rubbing his feet.
"Yes go away!" He said turning over.
"Well fine than." I get up and March to my bedroom.
I was getting really mad at Namjoon for rejecting me. I walked out to the living room and saw Namjoon sleeping on the couch. I rolled my eyes and walked in the bathroom. I undress from my wet clothes and jumped in. I was scrubbing my body up and down to get all the mud off of me. I started to think about the car crash and why it happened and then suddenly remember all the money from the bank still in that car. I took a deep breath and jumped right out of that shower. I walked to the bedroom to put some clothes on and headed out to the living room. I was standing over Namjoon and taped his shoulder to wake him up.
"Nam wake up! Wake up!" I shouted.
"We need to get the money! NOW!" I yelled waking him up.

{Sorry for the short chapter. Thank you for reading please vote and/or comment! 🌸🙏🌸}

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