16. To far

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The woods I was running in ended. There was this house in front of me. I went to the back door and broke in. I was in the kitchen trying to find some food to eat. I than realized I need to change my clothes, so I quietly walk up stairs to a bedroom to find clothes I could wear. There was this door open to the master bedroom, so I walked in. I see a couple sleeping in bed. I walk to the closet. In the closet I grabbed anything I could to hide myself. I grabbed a hoodie and some work out pants. I went downstairs and put the clothes on. It didn't fit very well, because the clothes were to big, but I didn't care. When I was done I ran outside and walked up the street to the road.

I was walking so fast it felt like no tomorrow. I turn down an random alleyway to get rid of my orange jumpsuit. I didn't have my phone on me nor money so I just ran home.
When I come out of the woods close to my house I seen a police car in my drive way. Than the officer came out of my house probably asking about me and my escape. Than the officer left and I ran home.
"Namjoon I'm home!" I yelled in excitement.
"Oh my fucking god Minju!" Namjoon screamed.
"What? I asked in confusion.
"Minju, how did you escape?" He questioned.
"Well I hit a cop in the head, took his gun and ran. Now I'm here!" I said jumping in Namjoon arms.
"What do we do Now Minju?" Namjoon said holding me in his arm tightly.
"We get the fuck out of here!" I said running to my room to pack a bag.
"Wait what? Minju we need money to do that!" Namjoon said walking over to me.
"Omg Nam you're a genius!" I said as an idea popped in my head.

I told Namjoon before we leave we need to have some fun first. I also told him money was the key to a happy future with each other. We both got in the car and drove away in the distance.

That morning I woke up in the car. I sat up and see Namjoon talking to someone on the phone. I think last night we were driving for so many hours on end and just parked in a parking lot to take a rest. I opened the car door and told Namjoon I need to use the restroom. I told him to wait for me as I walked in. When I walk in the vibes changed quickly. I was sprinting through the aisles to get to the bathroom. I walked in and a woman with her daughter looked at me like they were afraid. I couldn't tell if I liked that feeling or not of someone being afraid of me. When I was done people kept on staring at me. I walked by and heard a man call the police. As I heard that I ran quickly to the exit and in the parking lot. I told Namjoon to get in the car and start driving.

"What the hell Minju!" Namjoon yelled at me.
"Namjoon we need to get out of here!" I screamed back at him.
Namjoon pulled over to the grass.
"Nam why are we stopping!" I asked getting angry at him.
"Minju this is crazy! We can't ran forever." Namjoon answered.
"Yes we can! Fucking drive!" I yelled grabbing the steering wheel.
"GOD DAMN IT MINJU!" Namjoon screamed as he slapped me across the face.
I was just in shock and looked at his face filled with anger.
"Oh honey... I-I-I didn't mean it!" He said looking at me red face.
"J-J-just drive." I stuttered as a tear fell from my eye.
Namjoon put the key back in the hole and started to drive up the road. I turned my head and Namjoon looked upset, but not at me. I think he was upset at himself for hurting me.
I laid my head down on the window and drifted off to sleep.

I felt a push on my shoulder. I opened my eyes and saw Namjoon trying to wake me up.
"Minju, wake up!" He said.
"What Nam?"I asked as I slowly opened my eyes.
"Honey, lets go inside to get a snack." He said opening the passenger door for me.
"Um.. okay." I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out of the car. When I got out I saw the gun in Namjoon back pocket. I ran to Namjoon asking him how much money we had.
"Minju I only have $35.67." He said pulling the money out of his pocket.
I rolled my eyes and just walked in the store.
"Good evening!" Said the cashier.
I walked but the lady and didn't say a word.
"Oh good evening ma'am." Namjoon said walking to the counter.
"Ma'am do you have a restroom." Namjoon asked.
"Oh yes certainly. Just down there." She said pointing to the back wall.
"Thank you." Namjoon said walking to the restroom.
I was in the snack aisle trying to find something worth eating, but suddenly hear a lady talking to the cashier.
"So have you seen the news of that young girl escaping prison." Said the lady.
"Oh yes it's everywhere! I hope they find her." Said the cashier turning up the tv.
"I hear she's dangerous and kill 12 people at her school." Said the lady putting her items on the counter.
"Who ever rises her must be a psycho or something." She chuckled.
"I know right well have a nice evening." The lady said as she grabbed her bag filled with things.
"You too bye now." The cashier said waving her hand bye.
I heard Namjoon open the bathroom down and walked up behind me.
"You read honey." He said walking up to the counter.
"Um Nam." I whispered trying to get his attention.
"Not now Minju." He said smiling to the cashier.
"Did you find everything you wanted?" She asked.
"Yep!" Namjoon answered.
I looked up for a split second and the cashier looked at me.
"Young lady do I know you?" She asked looking at me curiously.
"Um no." I mumbled, shaking my head.
The Lady handed Namjoon the bag filled with junk food. When Namjoon went to grab the bag he looked up at the tv.
"Sweetie pie why so shocked?" Ask the cashier turning around looking up at the tv.
I looked up and saw my face on the screen.
I quickly pulled the gun out of Namjoon's pocket and pointed it at her.
"Oh god p-p-please d-d-don't hurt me." She begged.
"Shut up!" I yelled.
"Minju what are you doing? Namjoon asked trying to take the gun away.
"You too! I need money!" I yelled, putting my finger on the trigger.
"Minju this is way to far!" Namjoon shouts.
"O-o-k h-h-here you go!" She stuttered and grabbing all the money out of the cash register.
I grabbed as much money as I could and ran out the door. I jumped in the drivers seat and crank the car. Namjoon jumped in as well.
"That was so amazing!" I said pulling into the road way.
"Minju why would you do that?" Namjoon asked worriedly.
"It's fun! I didn't hurt the girl! It's ok!" I was annoyed.
"Whatever! What the fuck ever Minju!" Namjoon said putting his feet up on the dashboard.
I was driving so fast on the highway, because I wanted to have some more fun. Once again a perfect idea came to my head.

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