14. Jail

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When Namjoon was done telling his story I pulled him in for a kiss. I told him I was sorry and I would never do that to him again. When we were kissing, suddenly in the corner of my eye I see red and blue flashing lights. I quickly jump up and looked at Namjoon of what to do. Namjoon told me to stay still and not seem suspicious like I was hiding something. The police officer came to Namjoon's window and knocked.
"Good evening Officer." Namjoon said as he rolled down his window.
"Do you know a 17 year old girl by the name of Kim Minju?" Asked The Officer.
"Um.. no why?" Namjoon said nervously.
"There was a shooting at a high school this morning and witnesses have said it was her." Said The Officer.
"Oh my!" Namjoon sigh
"There is 12 people dead and 7 seriously injured." The Officer looked down in the car.
"Excuse me ma'am do you know this young girl." The Officer asked me
"Um no sir." I said in a deep tone.
The officer looked at me bloody hands.
"Ma'am may you step out of the car." He commanded.
I looked at Namjoon and nodded my head no. I didn't want to. Namjoon told me everything will be ok. I listened but the officer kept giving me commands. The officer walked over to my side of the car and told me to roll down the window. I didn't listen so the officer opened the door. When he did a gun fell out and he saw my face. The officer looked at me in shock and pulled me out of the car. He threw me on the ground. He put the hand cuffs on me and was calling for back up.
"Namjoon help me!" I screamed
"No you can't take her away." Namjoon yelled getting out of the car.
"Sir get back in the car." The Officer said seriously.
He put me in the back seat and slammed the door shut. I started to cry and scream.
"LET ME OUT!!" I kicked the door.
I looked out the window and see Namjoon yelling at the officer.
The officer got in the car and drove away. Namjoon ran after the car, but couldn't keep up. I cried even more.

When I arrived at the jail I was very scared. They brought me in this room and told me to give anything and everything I have on me to them. Next I had to get my mugshot taken. When that was done the officers brought me to this room with an open shower. I had to strip naked in front of them. I was so embarrassed and ashamed. Then they gave me a orange jumpsuit.
Everything was happening so fast, but it felt really slow. I was in this room and being questioned why I did such a thing. I didn't say a word at first I was just thinking to myself.
I was very upset and only needed Namjoon. When I finally wanted to talk I told the officers I did what I did because those bitches deserved to die. I told them I was bullied over and over. No one stopped it so I took manners in my own hands. When I was done getting questioned they brought me to my cell.
I was in the girl area, but it didn't feel that way. All the girls looked like men and smelled horrible. It really was hell. My cell was very small and nasty. It looked like it never been cleaned. I laid on my hard ass bed and started to cry. I was so mad at myself for not being careful. Even though I was in jail for killing people I was still happy that the people I kill were dead and I could finally breathe again.

{Sorry for making this chapter so short. Thank you for reading please vote and/or comment! 🌸🙏🌸}

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