20. Goodbye

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‼️This chapter might be disturbing to some readers! You have been warned!‼️

I saw Namjoon eyes open and he looked at me like he was annoyed. I push him trying to get him up, but he didn't move.
"Nam wake the fuck up!" I yelled.
"Oh my god Minju leave me alone." Namjoon said shoving his face into the arm of the couch.
"Nam we need to get that money! Come on!" I rolled my eyes.
"Nooo." Namjoon mumbled.
"YES!" I screamed pulling his shirt.
Namjoon finally sets up and rubbed his eyes.
"Minju came we just forget the fucking money and sleep." Namjoon gets off the couch.
"What the hell! No!" I yelled.
"Minju why are you yelling?" Namjoon questioned.
"I can't believe this! You don't want to have a future with me?" I slammed my foot on the floor.
"WHAT FUTURE?" Namjoon screamed.
I was in shock of what I heard. I couldn't believe he would give up on everything that happened. I walked up to him and took a deep ass breathe.
"HOW FUCKING DARE YOU SAY THAT!" I screamed louder than ever waking everyone soul In the fucking world.
Namjoon turns around walking to the kitchen trying to ignore me.
"Why are you giving up on us?" I asked
"Minju you're making me mad! Walk away!" Namjoon demanded.
"Fuck that! I don't care! Tell me?" I asked again.
"Minju I can't do this right now." Namjoon said walking back In the living room.
"What do you mean Nam?" I asked.
I knew he was trying to avoid me, but it made my blood boil hotter than the sun. I was getting really angry with Namjoon and I wanted to rage so bad. I walked to my bedroom to try to calm down, but it just made it worse. I walk out and Namjoon was sitting on the couch eating whatever acting like are argument was nothing. I marched out of the bedroom and smacked the bowl of food off the coffee table.
"What the hell!" Namjoon shouts.
I grabbed the remote and threw it at the tv causing it to shatter. I than start to break things.
"Minju stop!" Namjoon yelled
"No no no!" I screamed throwing a flower vase at him.
Namjoon bent down and the vase hit the window.
Namjoon came charging after me.
I started walking backwards almost tripping of broken things. He than pend me up against the wall. He put his hands around my neck and start to squeeze tightly. I started to kick him, but he just kept on doing it. I was hitting him in the head as hard as I could to make him stop. My face was purple and tear was all over his hands. Suddenly he stopped I fell to the ground coughing. He look at me and stared to cry.
He backed up against a wall and fell to the ground.
He was sobbing.
I went over to him and and looked at his tears falling to the ground.
"I-I'm s-sorry Nam!" I tried to say.
"I won't do that again I deserved it." I said holding his hands.
"Minju I don't think I can forgive myself!" He said crying even more.
"Of course you can." I said looking into his eyes.
"No I can't G-goodbye!" Namjoon looked up at me. Holding a gun to his head.
Blood splatter all over my face. I looked up and Namjoon was laying there dead.
"No no no! Why did you do that." I screamed.
I sat there holding my legs and my head buried in knees. I kept saying over and over it was my fault.

I grabbed my phone and called 911.
"Yes what's your emergency!" Said the operator
"My boyfriend is dead." I said with no emotion.
"Ma'am how did- the operator said before I hung up.
After so long of wait I finally hear a siren in the distance and saw lights flashing outside my window. I got up walking to the front door. I walked out in the heavy rain and see so many cop cars in the distance.
I looked up to the sky and brought the gun in my hand to my head.
The End!

{This story is so heart breaking! 😰I hoped you enjoyed and Thank you for reading please vote and/or comment! 🌸🙏🌸}

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