7. Death

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‼️This chapter might been hard to read! Death and suicide is mentioned in this chapter! You have been warned!‼️

Slowly opening my crusty eyes from nonstop crying all night. I turn over and Namjoon still wasn't there. I get up from the bed and smell food cooking. I walk to the kitchen and see Namjoon cooking breakfast. At first I was confused, because he never cooked breakfast or anything in general.
"Good morning, honey." Namjoon walked by me giving me a kiss on the cheek.
"Um good morning Nam. What's going on?" I said curiously.
"What do you mean honey? I'm making breakfast for my little girl." Namjoon said as he got the milk out of the fridge.
"Oh.. well thank you, I guess." I replied walking away.

I was getting dressed to go to school, but suddenly heard my phone go off. I walk to my phone to check the notification. People kept saying really weird things, but I ignored it.
I walked to the kitchen to grab my breakfast to go. I gave Namjoon a goodbye kiss and walked to school not even realizing the chaos that was coming.
From the distance I see blue and red lights flashing. I was very confused of why. I asked myself what could it possibly be. When I arrive I hear and see people bawling their eyes out. I try to walk to the front door, but get stopped by a police officer.
"Ma'am, please step back." The police officer said sternly.
"H-huh ok. What happened?" I asked stuttering.
"I'm sorry ma'am I can't give out that information." The police officer said walked me to the crowd of people.
In the background you could hear people say heartbreaking things. It honestly felt like a nightmare.
I walk over to this girl to ask her what is going on, but she gives me a strange, but yet angry share. At that point of time my head was going in circles of confusion.
I walk to the curb of the road and sit down. When I did I looked up and everyone kept on looking at me like I was guilty of something.
I heard whisper and chats of groups of people. I only hear my name, but never the gossip.
I check my phone to get an answer of what's going on. A post of me popped on my feed. It said Minju is a killer and should die. My eyes started to tear up. I didn't do anything I was clueless. I checked the comments and found ridiculous things that would haunt me forever.

30 minuets pasted and everyone was still in shock of the situation. Of course I didn't know anything, but wished I never would have found out.
I turn my head to see two men carrying a body bag out of the school. The crying and screaming became louder and more painful to hear.

I ran as quickly as I could to my gym teacher to ask her who it was.
"Who is in that body bag?" I asked worriedly.
"Minju I'm sorry, but it's Park Jimin." She said crying heavily.
My eyes became wide, my stomach dropped to my feet, my heart was broken and my soul was lost. I fell to my knees looking at the sky.
"NOOO!" I screamed.
"It can't be Jimin! He was fine yesterday! I saw him!" I shouted in disbelief.
I curled up on the pavement sobbing of grief. I was gone forever.

That morning I was brought in for questioning. I was scared of the unknown truth of Jimin. I wanted answers of why my life was so shity. The detective came in and asked me how well I knew Jimin from 1-10 scale. I told the man a 6. I didn't know jimin that much, but I did know he was a beautiful and amazing human being. Than the man asked me when was the last time I saw Jimin. I told him everything of the time me and Jimin had. He than asked me if jimin was depressed or sad. I told him no not at all. I asked him how did Jimin die. He told me suicide. When that word came out of his mouth I knew for a fact that Jimin would never take his own life. Something else was going on.

When I got home Namjoon was acting extremely weird like he was hiding something. I was to tired and afraid to ask him of what he did to me last night. I went to my desk and on my computer I was receiving death threats from random people.
P(1): Go kill Yourself slut! 🖕
P(2): you're a waste of space! Die already GOD DAMN!!!!🤬😡💀
P(3): you should go dig your grave, because you killed JIMIN!!! Minju is a murderer!! DIE BITCH 🖕😂😂😡🖕
"What the hell!"I yelled out loud.
I can't believe people are blaming me of killing Jimin. I would never ever do that to him. I loved him and now he's gone. I started to cry and wished it was me that died, because no one would care or get hurt. I really was a waste of space.

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