8. After math

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3 days pasted and the pain kept growing. I cried everyday of the situation. This horrible thing was very overwhelming. It honestly felt like bullets and I was the target. School wasn't the same after Jimin's death. It was worst for everyone. Mostly me of course, maybe it's my luck or bad karma. People looked at me of something I didn't do. It got to a point teachers did the same. Since everyone talked I became a suspect. I was questioned over and over. The 3rd time I was brought in for questioning Namjoon was present and he found out that me and jimin slept together. I remember Namjoon's face and how furious he was. When we got home it was total hell and agony. It was the worst torture ever. Namjoon tied me up naked and did horrendous things to me. Like I said I'm broken.

A day later I found out that Jimin's funeral was very beautiful and sad all at the same time. I wanted to go so bad, but Mr. and Mrs. Park didn't want me there. They told me I was a distraction and a problem. It wasn't my place to be. Even if I was allowed to go Namjoon wouldn't allow it and if  I broke his rules I would get beaten with that stupid ass bat again.
So I followed my lovers commands. Every day I lived it became harder to breathe. All my problems were suffocating me. I just wanted to lay down in my grave and bury myself.

I walked to school and at first felt very good to be away from home. I didn't feel like hundreds of eyes were looking at me or mouths talking about me. I felt free from my reality and the world. I was happy until I walked in that school. When I went to first period everyone looked at me once again. Whispers and whispers were the only thing I could hear.
During the middle of class I had to go to the restroom. I walk to Mrs. Lee's desk and ask her.
"May I please use the restroom?" crossing my legs together.
"Yes Minju take the pass." Mrs. Lee answered.
"Ok thank you." I replied grabbing the pass and heading to the door.
As I walk out of the classroom I hear voices and voices of people saying my name. I walked in the stall and shut the door. I looked up in shock of the writing all over the stall.
W(1): I fucking hate this school!
W(3): blood is red bruises are blue if I see Minju I will kill you!
W(4): jimin is mine back off hoes I'm talkin' about minjuu!!
Wow I thought to myself of the stupid shit that was on the wall. Mostly it was about me, but people knew so much of me being a slut they forgot how to spell my name. Or never knew my name.
When I was done I walked to the sink to wash my hands. Suddenly this girl walks in all high and mighty. She noticed I looked at her and gave me a death stare.
"Excuse me, do you need help?" She asked with attitude.
"Um no!" I said confused of why she was talking to me.
"Well bitch don't look at me! I don't want to catch your disease." She said walking to me shoulders pushed back, chest up and back curved.
"What the hell I don't have a disease?" I questioned.
"Oh you fucked every guy in the school of course you would and that's why jimin is dead." She answered walking to one of the stalls.
"Go to hell!" I yelled as I walked away forgetting to dry my wet hands.

I walk backed to my first period and already people did the same thing like they always do.
I sat down and hear a girl talking about my hands and why they were wet.
"Omg Jisun! Minju was pleasing herself in the bathroom. Eww so gross." Said the girl to her friend sitting across from her.
I sigh and put my head down from the world.

I feel a tap on my hand. I hear a voice saying wake up Minju. I open my eyes seeing my teacher looking at me with disappointment of sleeping in her class. I sit up laying back in my chair. As I did people started to laugh hysterically. I look around the room and saw my teacher laughing as well. I see people pull their phones out and started to take videos and pictures of me. I get my phone from my book bag and checked my socials. Than I checked my messages because there was a red notification in the corner. It was an airdrop of a video. As I pressed play my eyes widen and my mouth dropped to the floor. Two boys were drawing on my face and a girl put gum in my hair as I was sleeping. It was very hard to tell what the two boys were drawing. I wanted to rage. The bell rang and I dashed out of the classroom running to the bathroom. I look in the mirror and see slut written across my for head and a dick on my cheek. I was humiliated. I turned the water on and rubbed my face as hard as I could, but it didn't come off. I hear people calling me slut-face and dick-face. When I ran people pushed me into lockers causing me to fall. The only thing I wanted to do was cry, until this strange feeling of madness growing in my heart. I wanted revenge.

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