4. New Rumor

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It's now Thursday and I'm sitting in 2nd period looking out of that same window wondering if it will ever stop raining. I hear the mean girls talking shit and saying things that are very irrelevant. I didn't pay any attention to them because I acted like they didn't exist.
I reach for my bag under my chair. I grab it to read the note Jimin gave me so I could cheer up and something to entertain me than my teacher's boring ass lessons and lectures. I checked the front pocket and it wasn't there. I check the pockets on the sides of my bag and it wasn't there. I than check the big pocket hoping I would find it, but it wasn't there. I hear a mean girl giggle from the distance. I think to myself if they stole it, but how could've they known. I pull out all my binders and check everywhere. For some odd reason I was distracting the class.
"Miss Kim, did you lose something?" Coach Chong asked.
"Huh.. what?" I shouted out loud hearing people laugh.
I heard someone say she lost her v-card, she lost her parents, and she lost her hope.
I rolled my eyes and kept on trying to find my note. As I do I hear a quiet, but understanding whisper. Someone said she lost her note.
I look in the direction the whisper came from. It was 2 mean girls looking at me with disgusting smirks on their faces.
I knew they had my note I could feel it, but kept on looking.

On the way to lunch I hoped I would see Jimin today. As I got there everyone got quiet and hundreds of eyes were on me. If fell like everyone knew my darkest secrets. I look to the group of guys usually Jimin hangs around. Jimin wasn't there. Maybe he didn't come to school today of being sick. I don't know, but I needed him. I walk to the table I eat at and just get on my phone waiting for the bell to ring to go to 5th period. When I set down whispers followed me. Everyone would look at there phone than look at me. I was very confused. I go to Instagram and see if anything interesting was on my feed. As I scroll down I'm in shock of what I see. There was a picture of my note. Than there was a video of me sharing at Jimin last semester in health class. I started to read the comments and I became very weak.

(1)IG: why would Jimin like her? She's SOOO UGLY!!🤮🤢🤣😂
(2)IG: she needs to go back to the dump! Honestly gross!!!!!!!😅😷😵
(3)IG: I bet she made the whole thing up b/c she likes attention! What a hoe 😂😂😂

Only reading 3 comments made me feel hopeless. I run to the bathroom as quickly as I can. I go to the farthest stall and hide myself. I start to cry and call Namjoon for help.
Namjoon didn't answer so I tried to talk to Jimin on instagram, but no answer. I go back to the post and read more comments.

(4)IG: I heard she slept with Jimin before and went down on him! Omg such a slut!! Haha 😆
(5)IG: No she stalks Jimin all the time she slept in his closet for 2 days because she loves him. How could he like her? I don't like Jimin anymore his disgusting!! 🤢
(6)IG: People No I know the story!!! Jimin and Min- whatever her name is. They are dating and already have a kid with each other!!! That's the REAL story!!! 👌
(7)IG: omg that's right @(6)IG I heard the story too.

No that's not true at all. I wanted to say something so bad, but I felt like I couldn't. I started to type a message.
Minju_09: None of this is true!! Please stop ✋!!!!!!!
I wanted to send it but was hesitant, but still did it.
When I send my comment I hear a lot of people come in the bathroom. I didn't make any sound and kept reading comments. The loud people became close to the stall I was in.
I hear on the door.
"We know your in there Minju!" one mean girl said.
"Yeah come on out. We need to talk." Another mean girl said in the background.
I didn't say anything and wished they could go away.
"Minju we know your secret it's ok." Said another mean girl in the stall next to me.
"GO THE FUCK AWAY!" I yelled
"Oh is Minju mad." They said laughing.
"Ok.. Minju if wanna play a game we can too. Bye now." The first mean girl said as she walked with her posse.

The rest of the day was pretty much torture. People talked and talked. Of this "New Rumor" floating around. It didn't make any sense and had all kinds of stories, but never near the truth. I felt more bad about Jimin, because people stoped liking him for liking me. I hoped he wasn't mad at me.
I still wonder who got my note from my book bag. It's still a mystery.

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