Chapter 17: Will You Tell Me Now?

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Rose's POV

Jeff and I just finished watching the movie Scream. Of course he picked it out, but I wasn't scared. I'm actually really good around blood and guts. Jeff just doesn't know that. After the movie is over, I look over at him with a stern look on my face. "What? Why are you staring at me like that? What did I do?"

I sigh. It's obvious what I want to know. "Jeff... what did you and Slender, talk about?" he looks like he's going to say something, so I interrupt. "Now Jeff, I deserve to know what it's about since it is, about me after all." Jeff sighs knowing that he won't be able to get out of this easily. 

"Fine. I'll tell you... Basically, Slender said that if these dreams reoccur, then you either need to go see him daily for discussions, or you need to become a killer like me and the rest of the gang. And if you do neither, then at some point you will actually die in your dreams." my eyes start watering at the end of his short and brief explanation. 

"Jeff, I don't want to become like you, I wouldn't be able to leave my mom since she doesn't have anyone." "Well then, you'll have to see him a few times a week." I feel like there's something that he's not telling me.

"Jeff is there something that you're not telling me?" he looks real pained. "Well Rose, if you decide to do neither of the choices that I just told you, you could be pushed to death from your dreams like I said, or you'd have a chance of killing someone you love and care about..." I couldn't help but notice at the end of that sentence his voice dulled down and became soft. 

"Jeff, I'd rather become like you then have to risk killing my mom or someone I love..." at the mention of that he looks like he just hit cloud nine for some reason. "Jeff, are you okay?" "Yeah I'm fine..." I let the subject drop as I yawn. Jeff smiles when he sees that I'm tired.

"You should go to bed Rose, you've had a stressful day." "Yeah Jeff, that's a good idea." I get really nervous as I look over at him about to ask him a very embarrassing question. I notice that he's actually getting ready to leave for a first. So I decide to ask quickly. "Ah, Jeff... could you maybe stay here... with me... tonight?" as I ask this, my face gets redder by the second. 

I hear him chuckle an actual chuckle for once. "I'd love to Rose, on one condition... you have to cuddle back with me and face me tonight..." I look over at him curiously and notice that his face is slightly red. I giggle quietly and whisper, "Ok Jeff, just for tonight." with that we walk up the stairs together.

On my way up, I couldn't help but feel like Jeff and I got closer somehow, without either of us knowing it. I'm almost 100% positive, that if this was when we first just met each other, we would've had died of laughter. 

When we get up to my room, I change into my PJ's in the bathroom and walk out to find Jeff shirtless laying on top of the blankets, and looking kind of cold and lonely. I just giggle quietly. "Jeff, you know you could sleep with me under the blankets right?" with that, he quickly gets up and climbs under them. I climb into the bed and get comfortable with him. 

I remember the deal we made, so I roll over and face him. Chest to chest, and I smile at him. I feel him wrap his arms around me pulling me closer to him in the process. We both get comfortable with each other when I whisper something strange. "Jeff... for some odd reason... I feel really safe with you right here, right beside me, holding me..." I hear Jeff let out a light hum for a response.

"I feel like I'm protecting something fragile, that can break easily, if touched the wrong way. I also don't want let go of this moment right here either." I look up at Jeff and do something crazy. I kiss his chin, barely missing his lower lip with my upper lip. 

Jeff tensed for one second, but then immediately relaxed. "Good night Jeff..." "Good night Rose." 

Jeff's POV

I look down at my beautiful Rose and smile. I will always protect her. She has made such a big impact on my life, and I'm not even sure why, or how she did it. I'm honestly scared that if I were to tell her, I'd either be rejected, or not trusted. I'm really debating on just asking her tomorrow if she trusts me or not. "I'll always protect you Rose... my sweet, sweet, innocent Rose..." I finally start to doze off when her bedroom door is burst open. 

Rose's mother comes into her room shit face drunk, when I notice that she has a gun... my Rose protecting skills kick in and I reach for my knife. I feel Rose moving around against me, until she wakes up. She sees her mother and nearly screams as a bullet flies right passed her. "Rose, if I end up killing your mother tonight, it's for your own good." 

I don't wait for the ok. I just lunge at Emma. "I will kill you Jeff! Just watch! Then I'll kill Rose!" my eyes widen. There was no way in hell, that I would allow her to touch my Rose. I see a white face in  the window and recognize it as Slender. I was to busy dealing with the fact that Slendy randomly showed up, that I didn't realize that Rose got out of bed, grabbed my knife and was getting ready to attack her own mother.

I get out of my trance when I hear a scream. I immediately think the worst. When I turn around and see that Rose is covered in blood and her mom is laying there... lifeless, bloody, and dead. Did Rose seriously just kill her mother? "What did I just do...?" Rose squeaks out before she faints. 

"Jeff, she won't remember any of this tomorrow morning, she'll think that it was you who killed her mother, that and she'll get her memories back around noon. So don't worry and she's fine." with that Slender disappears, leaving me to pick up the body of Emma, and to put Rose back into bed. 'God I hope she's ok.'

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