Chapter 13: We Need To Talk...

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Rose's POV

It took Jeff about an hour to take Sally home, now we're both sitting in my room, at 5 o'clock in the morning, getting ready for a very important conversation. I plan on asking him about my dream and hopefully getting some answers. I look at Jeff as he looks at me and I suddenly get really nervous about this.

"Jeff, when you were gone I had a really weird dream... not the most pleasant one either." "Well Rose, what was it about?" I take a deep breath before I continue. "Well, I was in a field of roses, wearing a beautiful gown and all, next thing I know, it starts to poor down rain and it's thundering." I pause to see his reaction. He just nods his head to continue. 

"Anyway, I go looking for shelter for the night, when I find this run down house. I enter it, only to be greeted with the smell of rotting flesh. I ignored it and went upstairs to find a room to sleep in. Instead when I got up there, I found a blood trail leading to a room." I pause again, and I notice that this part has caught his attention, so I go on.

"I follow it and open up the door to be greeted with a bunch of bloody bodies. Each of them were stabbed multiple times, their throats were sliced, and their innards were all mixed together and bundled up." by now he looks like he's enjoying this.

"On the wall, written in blood, was 'Bloody Rose'. I looked down at myself and noticed that I was covered in blood. I ran out of the house, and outside, and seen even more bodies. I ended up breaking down. I ran away and ended up at the field again. I just stared up at the sky drenched in sweat and blood. Then I started to hear static. I looked towards the woods where it was coming from, and noticed a man in a business suit. He was also freakishly tall. I couldn't see his face for a while until, he came out of the shadows. His face freaked me out, only for the fact that he didn't have one. It was just plain white, and almost as pale as you. More static came and I finally blacked out. That's where it ended."

I look over at Jeff, and it looks like he just shit bricks. I chuckle quietly. "Rose, you just had a dream about killing people, and seeing the operator... we need to go talk to Slendy." "What? Jeff who's Slendy.?" "He's someone who can help you with this mess. I really don't want you to turn into one of us. You are to innocent for that." 

I don't bother to reply to him, scared of having to murder someone. Jeff looks at me and smiles a sad small smile. "Lets go to bed baby doll, you have a lot of stress on you." with that Jeff climbs in bed with me, while I'm laying there thinking to myself, that my life is over. "Good night Rose..." "Good night Jeff..." Is the last thing that I say before, once again, fall into a deep sleep from stress. 

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