Chapter 21: My Kill

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Rose's POV

As Jeff and I are walking, he keeps going over the plan. "We're going to find a house, climb in through a window, and split up the number of people in the house. After that, if the police come, then we hightail ass out of the house and back to the mansion."

I smile at Jeff as he goes on about how good it feels to spill blood. That's one thing that I love about him... 'Wait! Did I just say love! What is wrong with me?' I shrug it off for now, and continue to follow him. We get to this really nice and random house in a cute quiet town. Jeff and I find a window and quietly climb in. Before the both of us kill someone, we count how many people are in the house. It turns out, that there was only two people in this entire house. A husband and a wife. Jeff pulls me out of the room quietly...

"Alright, I'll get the guy, you can get the girl..." An evil smirk comes to my face and I offer something, "Why don't we torture both of them... Like the wife watches as her husband gets cut, and vice versa?" "That's actually a good idea. Now... lets go..." Jeff and I walk back into the room and we both go around the bed our separate ways. We both wait until they wake up, but they're taking way to long. I'm growing impatient and Jeff can tell. "Let's just shake them awake." he whispers to me. 

With that, we both shake our victims awake. "Huh...?" They both say as they wake up... When they look up and see us, they both scream... I chuckle darkly as does Jeff. We both start to approach them. "Please don't hurt my wife..." the worthless pathetic man said. I smirk and move closer to her, slicing her arm in the process, causing her to cry out in pain. The husband makes what to be a crying noise. I look over to see Jeff tracing the tip of his knife up and down the guys arm. Just deep enough to cut flesh.

I look over at the wife and say, "Look at your husband. What are you going to do now?" while saying this, I said it in a very creepy voice. She lets out a shrill scream... Jeff and I start to hear police sirens in the distance... "Shit!" we both say at the same time. "Alright, Bloody Rose, we need to finish them and we need to do it quickly." as soon as Jeff says that, I take my knife, and plunge it into the woman's arm. 

She lets out a shrill scream again. "Tsk, tsk, tsk." I take my knife and plunge it into her stomach this time. She's crying and begging me to stop. But, I can't... The urge is just to strong, I can't ignore it anymore. I look at her with a daze of insane. I see the women shutter. I smile a crazy smile and plunge my knife into her heart. At first slowly... so I can savor this. When she starts to scream in protest, I dig it into her harder and on an angle. 

By this time, some blood is dripping out of her mouth. That cool, crimson. liquid that I'm so in love with. I just watch it drip down from her mouth and onto the handle of my blade. I look into her eyes and see that her life is more than likely slipping away. Before she's gone, I take my now bloody knife, and slowly reach up to her throat, and slice across, with a very slow and precise movement. I can see that her life is almost gone. It makes me laugh in humor, and pleasure. 

"Y-you're never gonna get away with this..." that sentence from this bitch just pissed me off... I rip my knife from her neck and stand up, and say, "Well, I already have..." With that the last thing that she sees, is my knife coming down full force into her skull. 

When I'm done with killing her, I take my knife and put the blade in my mouth and let the blood run off of it, into my throat. I look over at Jeff to see that he's just standing there watching me in awe, with his guy already on the ground with a few simply stab wounds, the typical smile, and a sliced throat. I dip my hands into her blood, and write on the wall, 'Bloody Rose....' I notice that Jeff is doing the same thing, but writing, 'Go. To. Sleep.' instead. We hear the sirens coming closer so we immediately run out of that room and run to the window and jump out... We get about half way out of town before we stop running.

"That... was... awesome..." is all that I can make out, from my new experience. Jeff just chuckles. "You know, for that being only your third kill... you were pretty good at it. And I will admit... that was a bit of a turn on..." with that Jeff goes quiet. I just blush. I see the mansion in the distance and yawn. All that killing must have made me tired. As soon as we get to the mansion, I take a quick shower and go to bed. 

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