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third p.o.v

donghyuck sat down at the table where his friends were during lunch hour.

all of his friends were in a relationship except for jisung, he hasn't found anyone yet.

renjun let out a yawn and turned his body so he was sitting cross-legged on the long bench that stretched down the whole table. he reached his arms and wrapped them around chenle's waist, and then laid his head on his arm.

chenle only smiled at how much of a baby renjun was around him, even though he was the younger one in the relationship.

"uh, i'm still here you know." donghyuck noted in a disgusted tone, but renjun kept his head on chenle's arm. "sorry, hyuck. he's just really tired. he didn't get enough sleep last night."

"i wonder why..." jeno smirked while holding jaemin's hand; their fingers intertwined.

renjun's eyes opened and he glared at jeno. "stop, it was nothing like that!", he whined. chenle ruffled his hair while jeno and jaemin laughed silently.

"so hyuck, have you actually found anyone yet?" jisung asked while drinking out of his fruit punch juice box.

donghyuck's hands gripped the edge of the bench when he heard that question. every time somebody mentioned it, it made him feel nauseous. maybe it was because of how envious he was, and how he really wanted someone to love him.

"well, it's complicated right now..." he replied. "i have my eyes on someone, but honestly," he paused and looked at the cafeteria line, seeing him. "they seem way out of my league."

jaemin's eyes lit up. "ooh, is it a guy?" after that, everyone was already excited and anticipating who it could be.

"y-yeah, but why does it matter?" donghyuck crossed his legs like renjun and opened his banana.

"because then you'll be like us, the gays!" chenle squeaked. "and we could help you out!"

the only reply donghyuck gave was an eye roll as he bit into his banana. "besides, he's older than me."

"that's okay! renjun's older than me by a year, but i don't care because i love him too much!" chenle grinned as renjun nuzzled his cheek onto his arm.

"anyways, what grade is he in?" jisung asked. he slid his juice box down the table and it landed perfectly into a garbage can.

"he's a junior like us, so grade 11." donghyuck began blushing when he noticed; him and his friends were walking in his direction.

he braced himself thinking that someone was going to talk to him or one of his friends, but they only passed by.

donghyuck could smell his faint cologne; a mixture of a vanilla-like scent and some sort of fruit. he thought he'd be wearing a more manlier scent, but donghyuck loved it either way.

"hyuck? was one of those guys the one you're after?" jeno subtly pointed to the boys that passed them. donghyuck silently nodded.

"it's so obvious now! there's only one junior in that group! he's in our class!" jaemin piped up.

leaning in, he whispered, "it's mark lee, isn't it?"

as soon as jaemin mentioned it, his face went red almost immediately. that was enough to determine the theory.

"i knew it!" chenle giggled. donghyuck burried his cheeks in the palms of his hands.

"why him of all guys?" jeno questioned with a curious look.

"i don't even know where to begin, to be honest. he's cute and hot at the same time, he always smells good, but not in a creepy way, he's super bright and smiley whenever i see him-"

"oh, damn..." jeno said. everyone began questioning what was wrong. he only pointed to the table donghyuck's crush was sitting at.

donghyuck whirled around and found his heart doing something he never expected it to do. it began falling down an endless pit of complete devastation until it shattered.

he could see what was taking place at that table. 4 girls were gathered around his friends, and one girl was kissing him.

on the lips.

《 🖊 》

i'm actually super excited to
see where this heads!
i hope that i can
please everybody with
this fanfic, and not
make you mad (especially
with that ending oOPS;;;)
please feel free to
vote, comment, and share!

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