*2 days Later* * still Gabby’s POV*
“Finding nemo!” Louis announced.
“Toy story!” Liam and I both shouted.
“Can’t we watch Monsters Inc.?” Niall asked.
Movie watching with these boys was such a chore, everyone was here. All the guys, Alex, Megan, Laura and I.
“Why don’t we watch the Incredibles?” Megan asked and everyone looked to her.
“I agree with Megan.” Harry said.
“Incredibles it is!” Liam announced in his sexy, English accent ...shit Gabby stop!
“I’ll go make some popcorn.” Megan volunteered.
“I’ll come!” Niall stood up and followed her into the kitchen. Liam came and sat down next to me; he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me close. Breathe, Gabby, breathe. I told myself as the butterflies erupted in my stomach. Niall and Megan walked back into the room.
“Took you long enough!” Louis exclaimed, reaching into the popcorn bowl and taking a massive handful. He munched on it, making popcorn fall over onto the ground.
“I’ll pick it up.” Niall and Megan said at the same time. Both blushed as they made eye contact.
“I’ll um, get more popcorn.” Niall said I wasn’t sure if it was just me but Niall looked on the verge of tears. I looked up at Liam, seeing if he noticed it too, he nudged me towards Niall who was walking out of the room. I smiled at Liam and followed Niall out of the room.
“What’s wrong Niall?” I asked him. He had his back to me, making popcorn. He turned towards me, his eyes red. I pulled him into a hug.
“It’s okay Niall...it’s okay, tell me what happened.”
“Well...I was about to kiss her...and she was about to kiss me too, then she pulled away...”
“Aw, Niall it’s not your fault.” I comforted.
“Yeah, yeah.” He mumbled and turned away from me as the microwave dinged. Pouring it into bowls we walked out of the kitchen. I sat back down next to Liam and he slung his arm around me once again. The movie started playing but was interrupted by Liams ringtone, he motioned for Harry to pause it and harry obliged.
“Hello?” Liam answered, waiting for a reply. “Yeah? Oh man...really? Okay, you know what we will find someone to do it. Sure. Bye mate.”
“Who was it?” Zayn asked.
“Management.” Liam told us. “2 of our hair stylists, 1 makeup and 1 clothes stylist quit because of all the hate they were getting...we need to find 4 girls who can do that stuff for our tour.”
“Hey, babe didn’t you do a course on hairstyling at college?” Zayn asked.
“Yeah why?” she replied.
“And Laura didn’t you say you did a little bit of make up here and there...?” Lou asked his girlfriend.
“Umm yeah? What’s your point?”
“Gabby, you’ve always wanted to go into fashion right?” Liam asked.
“Yes where the hell are you going with this?” I retorted.
“Come on tour with us?” They all chorused.
“WHAT?!” All three of us said at the same time.
“If you guys come on tour with us, then we only need an extra hair stylist. “ Harry explained.
“Megan’s a hair stylist so there you go!” Niall said. He still looked upset but seemed brightened by the thought of Megan travelling with him.
“Will you come?” Liam asked me.
“Well...we’d have to quit star bucks...” I looked to Laura, seeing if she wanted to go. She nodded. “I guess we can come.”
“Yes!” Liam yelled and pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back, smiling.
“I’ll come!” Alex agreed and Zayn gave her a hug. We all looked to Megan.
“I...um...I’d have to discuss it with my boyfriend...” she told us. Shit! I looked to Niall, his smile had quickly turned to a frown and his eyes were downcast. Liam saw it to and weakly smiled at me, he would have to deal with that later.
“Why don’t you invite him over now? We need an answer asap I’m assuming?” Zayn looked to Liam for confirmation. Liam nodded.
“Okay I guess” Megan replied. She slipped out her phone and called her boyfriend. From what we heard he would be over in about 10 minutes.
“Do you want to ring up work tonight Laura?” I asked and she nodded. I turned to Liam,
“So where exactly are we going.” I questioned. Liam began to tell me a long list of cities, i just nodded along, losing count after 4. Liam had his arm around my shoulder so that was kind of distracting.
“You’re not listening are you?” Liam asked.
“Not really...” I smiled sheepishly he laughed at me and I joined in too. The doorbell rang through the apartment and both Liam and Megan stood up and headed to the door. Megan whispered something to him and he just looked confused. She whispered something again and smirked. I just continued talking to Laura about how excited I was about the tour when Megan and Liam walked back in with a brown haired guy who looked pretty buff. He had his arm around Megan’s waist and I saw Niall staring at that arm enviously.
“Everyone this is James” Megan introduced and we all introduced ourselves in turn.
“Well...” Megan began. “You’re probably wondering why i called you over. The boys are going on tour next week and they offered me a job as their hair stylist! I haven’t committed to it yet because I thought I should tell you first” she told him.
“Can we talk somewhere else?” he asked and she nodded, they walked into the kitchen. Niall watched the door anxiously. Screams came from the kitchen suddenly.
“You’re not my father, James! I can do what i want!” Megan screamed, a crash was heard and Niall was already running into the kitchen. We heard a smash and then a smack, we all rushed into the kitchen. Megan was on the floor covering her cheek with her hands and Niall had blood dripping from his nose. He glared at James, shaking with anger.
“I think you should leave.” Harry glared at James; the boys all had similar expressions on their faces.
“Fine, come on Megan.” James replied beckoning Megan to follow him.
“No, James, it’s over.” Megan whispered she looked scared. I wanted to beat his face in and from the looks of everyone’s faces, they did too.
“Don’t be silly, Come on!” he said, walking towards her. Niall stepped in front of her protectively.
“I really think you should leave now.” Niall growled at him.
“Fine, you’ll be sorry Megan.” James said, laughing before walking out the door and slamming it behind him.
*Authors Note*
I would have had this up earlier but my internet decided to be poopy and not work today -.- sorry anyways... vote, comment, fan ... please?

My Best Friend, Liam Payne?
FanfictionGabby left her home in Wolverhampton and moved to Australia when she was thirteen, leaving behind her best friend, Liam Payne. When she was 18 she moved back to England. Working at StarBucks she meets the one and only Liam Payne of One Direction by...