*Gabbys POV*
“Harry! That girl wants your gravy!” I laughed at him, clutching my sides. Harry and I were currently in the tour bus alone just looking through twitter, everyone had left us, and I mean everyone. Louis, Laura, Alex and Zayn all went on a double date together, Megan and niall told us they were going sightseeing and Shanice had excused herself and Liam to go shopping.
I couldn’t help the jealousy that surged up inside of me when Shanice had pulled Liam out of the tour bus by his hand, I had to keep repeating to myself that she had a boyfriend and she wasn’t going to cheat on him with Liam. From the short time I had known her she didn’t seem like the cheating type, and plus she knew how I felt about him, heck EVERYONE knew what I felt except him.
“I know.” He winked back sending me into a fit of giggles.
"EVERY GIRL WANTS HARRY STYLES' GRAVY!" he declared standing up and thrusting.
"Not this girl..." I told him, he looked to me in fake shock and horror, his mouth formed an oval shape which turned into a cheeky grin in a matter of seconds
"right cause you want Liam's gravy!" he replied, pointing toward me, I threw a pillow at his bouncing head of curls, he dodged and began to chant childish songs about Liam to which I blushed furiously.
"K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes lo- oh hi Liam" Harry grinned at the two new comers. My breath caught in my throat when I saw Liam, his hair was slightly dishevelled by the wind and was covered in glistening rain drops.
"What were you...?" Liam motioned toward me, sitting on the couch, the blush that had crept onto my cheeks a fiery red and then turned his gaze to Harry who had his curls messed up and was still bouncing along to the rhythm of the song he was embarrassing me with.
"Harry's being a dick" I rolled my eyes, Shanice laughed.
"What has Harry been doing?" she asked, walking up to him and flicking his nose.
"teasing me" I pouted and stood up to walk to Liam, I hadn't realized that I had walked near him until I was right beside him, I guess it was just a habit, he's my best friend, of course I'm going to be by his side.
"Naughty Harry." Liam scolded, putting on a mothering tone as he placed and arm around my waist and pulled me closer, this boy, I swear, will be the death of me.
"Naughty Harry indeed" Harry winked, nodding at me slightly, I looked away from his piercing green eyes. Instead I glanced up at Liam, his gaze locked with my own, it seemed as if the whole world froze and Liam and I were the only people left. I felt lost in his brown eyes
"hello!" a hand waved in front of my face, snapping me back to reality, I looked to Shanice, she smirked at me.
"You both zoned out for a little there." Harry told us, smiling cheekily. I blushed and looked to the floor, taking a small glance at Liam from the corner of my eye. His cheeks were a slight red; he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

My Best Friend, Liam Payne?
FanfictionGabby left her home in Wolverhampton and moved to Australia when she was thirteen, leaving behind her best friend, Liam Payne. When she was 18 she moved back to England. Working at StarBucks she meets the one and only Liam Payne of One Direction by...