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I tapped my fingers impatiently on the arm rest of the lounge; we had 20 minutes until we got to our first arena. We would be staying in that area for a couple of days. I had woken up early to think about how they should dress on-stage and I had perfect ideas.

"That is incredibly annoying you know that?" Liam asked, looking up from his phone for the first time in forever.

"Yup," I nodded and continued drumming. Everyone was asleep except Liam and me.

"When someone tells you that what you are doing is annoying that's a sign to stop." Liam told me, looking to my fingers.

"Yeah I know." I smirked and kept drumming; he put his head down and concentrated on his phone. After a while he looked up again with annoyance.

"stop." he told me. I smirked again.

"Why? Is it bugging you?" I asked sweetly.

"Yes now stop." he said irritated.

"Nah I like doing this." I told him. He sighed and went back to his bunk; he came back in with his beats dangling around his neck. He sat down again and put his beats on his ears and resumed whatever he was doing.

I moved so I was next to him and he looked at me questioningly, I grinned back at him; he shook his head slightly at me and turned his eyes to face the screen. I started to poke his cheek. I saw him roll his eyes but I still continued to poke.

"What?!" he asked turning to me, pulling his beats from his ears.

"You're my best friend!" I flung my arms around him; he sighed and laughed at me, rubbing my back slightly. I don't know why but I was in a hyper mood.

"I'm guessing you're either hungry or bored out of your mind." he told me. I nodded.

"I'm both! Go make me food Payne!" he chuckled lightly but still got up and turned to the kitchen, I followed him. He got out the ingredients for pancakes.

"So what are we doing today?" I asked him as he cooked.

"Well the boys and I have to rehearse so ... The girls can help you with our outfits?" he told me but it kind of turned out like a question. "Shanice only has to rehearse a little bit, just a couple of songs then she can hang with you girls." He smiled.

"That's awesome! Can we come see you guys rehearse?"

"When you're finished I guess you can." he grinned and slid the pancakes onto a plate. I grabbed the butter and spread it over; I don't really like maple syrup.

"I'll finish as soon as I can to see you" I winked.

"Really now?" he asked looking up, smiling

"Nah, I want to watch Niall," I teased, his smile turned into a frown.

"I'm kidding!" I told him, his face flooded with relief. "Speaking of Niall, I do believe you owe me five pounds." I stated, referring to our bet the other day.

"No, they aren't together yet," he shook his head.

"You're just afraid to say I won!" I declared, he chuckled

"Sure Gabs, whatever helps you sleep at night." He leaned over the counter and patted my shoulder. I pouted and folded my arms in front of my chest.

"Meanie." I poked my tongue out at him.

"Aw Liam, are you being mean to poor Gabby?" Shanice put on a baby voice and walked over to me; she slung an arm over my shoulder and hugged me.

"No...I-I..." he tried to explain

My Best Friend, Liam Payne?Where stories live. Discover now