*Authors note*
Hey guys, its an update! are you proud? im proud, i have so many reads and fans omg i love you guys! go read my Harry fan fic its called The Butterfly Effect
Read an awesome fan fic by @Sunshine_18_xx everyone go read that as well hahah :)
Zayn is back on twitter :D *happy dance* and their ep is available to pre order woohoo!
Fav comment goes to @riosummer18
Ninjas go vote, comment and fan :) love you
*Gabbys POV*
"Wakey Wakey!" Louis screamed into my ear which earned him a pillow to the face.
"Piss off" I snapped
"Don’t be mean, come on, you're the only one sleeping" Louis whined
"What if I want to keep it that way?" I replied.
"Too bad" Louis smiled cheekily before ripping my sheets away from me
"LOUIS WILLIAM TOMLINSON!" I yelled, curling up and trying to regain body warmth.
"I'll take your pillow next" he threatened and my emotions turned to those of horror.
"I'm getting up" I told him quickly, he smiled.
"Good!" he walked out, I followed him, not really paying attention in my half- asleep state.
"You, my friend, shall be my entertainment" Louis announced. "I was lying before you know, nobody's up." I face palmed and groaned.
"Couldn’t you have woken up Laura?" I complained, Louis shook his head, his eyes softening.
"She looked too tired" he sighed, looking back at the door leading to our bunks longingly.
"Just go, go cuddle with her, she'll appreciate it." I told him.
"You think so?" he turned to me with questioning eyes
"I know so" I nodded and with that, he left. Leaving me with nothing to do, I'd go back to my bunk but most of the couples were probably cuddling and it hurt me that I couldn't do that with Liam.
"Hey what are you doing up?" Liam asked, dropping his keys to the tour bus onto the counter. He had obviously been out.
"Louis woke me, what were you doing out?" I questioned, he smiled cheekily.
"I don't see any bags" I motioned to his empty hands.
"Had to set things up, going to tell a girl I love her" he smiled again, I smiled too, grinding my teeth a little.
"Lisa right?" I asked, he nodded, still wearing that stupid grin, stupid Lisa, and what did she have that I didn't?
"I have to show you first though" he told me.
"So you can... Approve of it?" he tilted his head to the side; I shrugged, even though I was dying inside.
"Okay, tonight?"
"Yeah, tonight's perfect." he smiled again, leaving me dazed.
"So... Game of FIFA?" he asked, snapping me out of my trance.
"You’re on"
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My Best Friend, Liam Payne?
FanfictionGabby left her home in Wolverhampton and moved to Australia when she was thirteen, leaving behind her best friend, Liam Payne. When she was 18 she moved back to England. Working at StarBucks she meets the one and only Liam Payne of One Direction by...