*Gabby's POV*
“THIS MEANS WAR!” I shouted shooting Liam before ninja rolling behind the couch. Okay...so 20 questions kinda flew out the window once I asked Liam for a tour of his apartment and I found the nerf guns.
“YOU’RE GOING DOWN!” Liam yelled at me, firing his gun, I dodged and crawled across the floor which was littered with spongy bullets. I crawled around the couch, ending up directly behind Liam; I shot him in the arm before running away as fast as I could.
“Come on, Payne you’re better than this!” I said loudly before running into the kitchen and ducking behind the bench, when Liam entered I ran back out. I turned around about to shoot him when the door opened, I lost my focus as I saw Megan and Niall standing in the doorway. Something hit my chest and I looked down to find a spongy bullet, I glanced up in horror as he smiled smugly. Placing my hand over where the nerf had hit I sunk to the floor, pretending to writhe in pain before finally going still. Liam stood over me with a straight face before bursting into laughter. I joined him and Niall and Megan looked at us like we were maniacs.
“We are going to pretend we never saw that Gabby” Megan told me
“Sorry, Li-li and I were playing nerf wars and he shot me in the heart.” I giggled as Liam helped me off the floor, her and Niall shared looks before cracking up laughing.
“Nialler and I were wondering if you wanted to go to that fair down the road tonight?” Megan asked. I was a little busy focusing on Liam’s hand that was still grasping mine.
“Sounds awesome.” Liam grinned and I just nodded.
“We should leave in about 10 minutes if we want to get there before the crowds arrive.” Niall stated looking at his watch.
“Okay, I’ll get my stuff,” I said as I reluctantly let go of Liam’s hand.
“Gabby is that flour in your hair?” Megan asked. My cheeks flushed red.
“Umm...yeah, Liam and I made muffins and got into a bit of a food fight and I had a shower but it mustn’t have come out properly.” I explained twirling a bit of my hair, grinning, she rolled her eyes at me.
“Alright guys you have 10 minutes, now get ready or I will leave without you.” Liam threatened as I rushed into the other room to get my dirty clothes.
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We had arrived at the fair and it was so cool, there were pretty colours everywhere, I felt like a little kid again as we walked through the gates.
“Can we go on the Ferris wheel?” Liam asked, his eyes shining with excitement.
“No! That’s boring!” Niall whined to Megan.
“Alright, I’ll go with Liam on the Ferris wheel and Megs you go with Niall on another ride.” I told them settling their argument. They all mumbled their agreements and Megan and Niall headed off to one of the scarier rides.

My Best Friend, Liam Payne?
FanfictionGabby left her home in Wolverhampton and moved to Australia when she was thirteen, leaving behind her best friend, Liam Payne. When she was 18 she moved back to England. Working at StarBucks she meets the one and only Liam Payne of One Direction by...