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song attached:
Status Quo - High School Musical


The college was busy on the first day back from the Christmas holiday. Students reluctantly arriving for their lessons, saying good bye to their friends, as they headed to their first lesson.

Bree held her folders tightly, as she scanned her student ID card against the gate, waiting for them to open before she walked through. She spotted Gee standing by the tables at the front of the college, and waved at her.

"You're here. Finally," Gee sighed, hooking her arm with Bree's, and guiding her towards the notice board by the Auditorium, "Look what show they're putting on this year." She exclaimed, pointing at a poster, "We have to audition."

"High School Musical?" She read out loud. She looked at Gee, and smiled, "I already know what part you'll be auditioning for."

Gee flicked her hair dramatically, "Sharpay was written for me, Bree."

Bree rolled her eyes and laughed, "Yeah, you're both drama queens."

The two girls laughed, as their other friend Callum sidled up next to them.

"I've been looking for you two," Callum sighed, before looking at the sheet that the two girls were looking at, "Woah, High School Musical? How'd they get the rights for that?"

Gee shrugged, "Who cares, Callum. This is the best news I've heard all morning and it's only 9:25." She clapped her hands together in excitement, as the auditorium doors swung open, meaning their Drama lesson would be starting soon.

"Don't get too excited, Gee. Look who just arrived." Bree scoffed, as she saw him from across the hall.

Gee rolled her eyes at her best friend, "Bree, please can you try and get along with Will? He's Josh's friend, and it would be so much easier if you two actually got along." The smaller girl watched as Bree sighed and placed her bag on the floor by the wall.

"Gee, I love you, but I would rather watch Callum try and flirt with girls," Bree shook her head, and laughed when Callum looked at her with an unamused face , "Besides, Will and I will probably never get along. We're too different."

Gee shook her head, "Actually you're so similar that it's scary. You could actually be a female Will."

Callum laughed, "Or Will could be a male Bree?" He continued to laugh at himself until Bree shot him a look that said 'shut it or else'.

"Alright, if everyone could settle down and take a seat on the floor," Mrs Lawson spoke loudly, gesturing the floor in front of her. She waited for everyone to sit down, before continuing, "I know that some of you may have seen the poster outside, so to answer your questions, yes, we are putting on a production of High School Musical. Auditions are Thursday and Friday at 4pm, so good luck to anyone who's auditioning. Now, lets get on with the lesson."

"You're going to audition for the part of Gabriella right?" Gee asked Bree, as they sat at their usual table for lunch.

Bree shrugged, and placed her sandwich and drink on the table, as Gee and Callum did the same, "I was going to, yeah, but-"

"But what? You're amazing at acting and singing, Bree! You'll ace the audition." Callum replied, as Gee nodded in agreement.

"Do you realise how many people will be auditioning for that part? Nearly every girl at the auditions will want that part. I have no chance, guys." Bree shook her head, as she opened her apple juice.

Callum rolled his eyes, "Well, then you can rub it in their faces when you get it, then." He said, as he and Gee opened their pasta pot's and began eating them, "Besides, were both auditioning so you might as go."

"You're auditioning for Ryan, right?" Bree asked, and Cal nodded enthusiastically.

"I have Ryan's part nailed. I'm not even worried." Callum laughed, causing the girls to burst into laughter as they watched him dance on his seat.

I'll add songs in some chapters in the media section at the top that I think work with the chapter, like if the song is about something that happens in that chapter, or if they sing a song in the chapter, I'll put that at the top

High School Musical | w. lenney [✓]Where stories live. Discover now