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Bree gulped as she walked up to the front door of Will's house. She didn't know why she'd agreed to go, and she considered turning back, but her feet made their way up the driveway, before she knocked on the door.

She bit her lip, and stared at her feet, as she heard a soft 'coming!' from inside, before the door swung open.


Bree whipped her head up to see a woman standing in the doorway. She cleared her throat, "Hi. I'm here to see Will. He invited me?"

The woman smiled, opening the door wider, "Yes. He mentioned you. Come in," Bree assumed this women was Will's mother, as she stepped into the house. It was warm inside, and the faint smell of chocolate and coffee drifted through the house, "William, your friend is here!" The woman shouted up the stairs. She turned back to Bree, who was glancing around the house.

"You have a beautiful home, Mrs Lenney." Bree said, as she looked around. She noticed that while the house looked lived-in and homely, the random items of clutter seemed to have a place.

Bree's comment made Will's mum smile again, "Thank you," She turned to see Will making his way to the bottom of the stairs, "Will, you took your time."

"Sorry, Mum," Will stood on the bottom step and looked towards Bree, "Shall we go up?"

Bree nodded, "It was lovely meeting you," She said to Will's mum, before she followed Will upstairs.

He held his bedroom door open for her and shut it behind them. Clearly his mum trusted him. The same could not be said for Bree's dad. He'd have had a fit.

"So, I thought that we could just have a read through? I've been learning them, but I think learning them together will be easier and quicker. What do you think?" He asked, grabbing his script from his desk and sitting on his bed, "You can sit down, Bree." He told her, and she took a seat on his bed too. She unzipped her bag and pulled out her script, placing it on her lap.

"That sounds cool. We can start from when they first meet?" She suggested, and he nodded, before they opened their scripts.

"But seriously, you have an amazing voice. You're a singer right?" Will read out loud. He made sure he didn't look up from his script, remembering what had happened the day before.
Bree also stared at her script, but unlike Will, who had laid his on the bed in front of him, she was clutching her script, as if she was scared it was taken from her, "Just church choir is all. I tried to do a solo and nearly fainted."
"Really? Why is that?"
"I took one look at all the people staring at me and next thing I knew, I was staring at the ceiling. End of solo career."
Will looked up from his script and noticed that Bree's hands were red from clenching them together. He put his hand on top of hers, and she looked up, "Well with the way you sang tonight, that's pretty hard to believe."

The next line should have been Bree's, but instead Will spoke, asking her something he'd been wanting to know for a while, "Why don't you like me?"

"I- What?" She stuttered, looking at him. His hand was still on top of hers but neither of them had noticed.

"You don't like me. Why?" Will asked again. He watched as Bree stared at him, her mouth slightly as she thought about what to say.

"I- I don't hate you, Will," Bree began. She looked down and seeing his hand touching hers, she moved it away, "We've just never been close enough to actually be friends," She bit her lip, "Why do you ask?"

Will tried not ignore her lip biting and looked away from her mouth, "I don't want whatever state this 'relationship' is in to affect the show, that's all." He used his fingers as quotation marks to emphasise the word, while Bree shook her head at him.

"Oh. Wait, did you only invite me over so that you could pretend that you're a nice guy to the cast?" Bree asked him. She watched him look away from her, signalling that he was guilty, "I thought you wanted to run lines-"

"- I did. I was going to ask you before but then the boys got into my head and they were making rude remarks and-"

"-The boys? What have they got to do with this? What rude remarks?" She asked. She watched Will's face fade to anger, and she nodded her head. She raised her head to look at him, "I think I should go." She muttered, shoving her script into her bag and standing up.

Will watched her leave, before letting out a sigh and throwing himself backwards. He threw his script on to the floor, and groaned, "Why did sign up for this?" He muttered, just as his phone buzzed.

He reached for it in his pocket and read the text:

You free rn?

Will knew the boys would kill him for even thinking about it, but he pushed the thought aside, and quickly replied.


He only had to wait a few seconds before his phone buzzed again.

Come over in 10? My parents are away

The boy shook his head, and stared at the text. He shouldn't, but he needed it, he thought, as he texted his ex-girlfriend back.

On my way

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