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Bree tried to avoid Will as best she could during the rehearsal, but, that was extremely difficult given that they were both playing the main leads. She couldn't understand why Will had kissed her and then left. Why did he say sorry?

Bree knew that everyone could sense the odd tension between her and Will, as he refused to look at her for scenes. He'd been shouted at a few times by Mrs Lawson, which prompted him to acknowledge her, but he was still acting weird around her.

"Will, I think we need to talk." Bree whispered to him. They were currently on their break, and she'd followed him to where he'd put his stuff on the front row.

"About what?" He asked. He knew what she was talking about, and she didn't understand why he was acting like this.

"Don't play dumb, William. You know exactly what I'm talking about!" She muttered. Will sighed, and looked to the top of the seating, before grabbing Bree's wrist and pulling her up the stairs to where he'd just looked, "What are you doing?"

They sat down, and he ran his hand through his hair, "Look, I'm sorry, okay. I don't know what came over me, you were just standing there, looking like that," He gestured towards Bree, who felt her cheeks redden at his comment, "But I shouldn't have done it, Bree."

"Why? Why shouldn't you have kissed me?" She asked him, putting her hand on his arm.

Will bit his lip, and moved his arm away, "I got back with my ex-girlfriend."

Bree sat back in her chair so that she wasn't leaning so close to him. She was upset, even though she knew she had no right to, "Oh, right, okay. Good for you, Will. Well, we should get back to the rehearsal, I guess," She stood up, and walked down a few steps, before she felt a pull on her arm, "What, Will? What do you want to say? I have no reason to feel anything about you getting back with your ex, so I don't know why you're waiting for a reaction, because you won't get one." She folded her arms across her chest, and shrugged her shoulders at him.

"I wasn't going to ask that." He looked at her with guilt, biting his lip.

Bree looked at him with confusion, before she finally released what he was trying to say, "Ah, I see," She frowned at him, "Don't worry, Will. I wouldn't want anyone to know I kissed Will Lenney anyway." She muttered towards him, before walking away from him. She couldn't help but wonder what Will was thinking getting back with his ex girlfriend. From what she'd heard, their break up was messy and took a lot out of Will, and while she didn't really know him, she didn't want to see him get hurt again.

"I just can't believe that he's back with her. I did not see that coming. Especially after-" Gee chatted down the phone, before stopping. Bree furrowed her eyebrows at her friend's sudden pause.

"Gee, what happened the last time Will dated Lilly?" Bree asked, as she sat at her desk that evening. It was only 5:15pm she'd and been working on her laptop until Gee had called her.

"I-I don't really know if I can tell you," Gee said. Normally, Gee was the first to spill any secrets she knew, which got Bree thinking that whatever had happened was bad, "But all I'm going to say is that he told me about your kiss and that he didn't want you to tell anyone."

"Right. Of course he did." Bree sighed, as she turned back to her laptop. The page for her coursework was up, and she stared at it as she heard Gee moving around.

"Seriously, Bree. He's not joking. Don't tell anyone." Gee pleaded. Bree wondered what on earth this could possibly mean. Was Lilly some kind of bitch who would ruin her life if she found out another girl had snogged her boyfriend? She didn't know, but Gee's tone of voice made her realise that it must be serious.

"I won't, don't worry," Bree told her, "I've got to get back to my coursework. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Oh, I'm going to a party tomorrow night. You should come." Gee suggested, before Bree had a chance to hung up. Bree hardly ever went to parties, and when she did, she always hung out in the kitchen with a non-alcoholic drink in her hand, while slightly-tipsy couples made out around her.

Bree rolled her eyes, even though Gee couldn't see her, "I'll think about it, okay?" Gee replies with a quick 'okay, you better' before Bree hung up the call.

She stared at the phone in her hand, before opening her text app and finding Will's name. Her fingers hovered over the screen, before she began to type out a message. She debated sending the message for a few minutes. Would he even respond to her? If the situation with his girlfriend was as bad as Gee was making it out to be, why would he even tell her anyway? They didn't know each other. They may have shared some saliva for a few seconds, but that didn't mean they knew the in-and-outs of each other.

To: Lenney
Gee told me about Lilly. You okay?

She only had to wait a few minutes, before her phone pinged with a notification. She looked down at her, shocked that he'd replied, as she read his reply.

From: Lenney
How much did she tell you?

To: Lenney
Just that things didn't end great last time. Why? Is there more to it?

From: Lenney
It's complicated.

To: Lenney
Yeah, seems it.

Will didn't reply to her text, and she sighed, placing her phone on her desk, as she thought that she must have upset him, when her phone began to ring, Will's name flashing on her screen.

"Will?" She asked him once she'd answered his call.

"Do you really want to know what happened?" He asked her. She didn't answer him: did she want to know? Of course she did, but she couldn't let him know that.

"It depends if you want to tell me or not, Lenney." Bree told him. She heard Will sigh on the other end, as if thinking what he should say next.

The two were silent for a few seconds, before he spoke again, "Can you meet me?"

"Sure." Bree agreed. It wasn't late yet, and she already knew she wasn't going to finish her coursework anytime soon.

"Can you make it to the cafe near the school for 6? It'll be shut but there's a McDonalds near there that's open until late." He suggested.

Bree laughed, "Wow, romantic, Lenney."

He smirked, even though she couldn't see him, "I try," He didn't say anything for a second, "I'll see you in a bit."

He hung up the call, and Bree sighed, as she put her phone, before saving her work and shutting down her laptop, when her phone pinged. She looked at the screen to see a text from Will.

From: Lenney
I know you said my name earlier, by the way :))

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