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Bree and Gee's Party outfits :)


"So, you said you weren't friends and he walked out?" Gee asked. Bree was laying on Gee's bed, a pillow over her head. She was telling her best friend about last night's events, while Gee looked through her wardrobe, as they waited for Callum to arrive, "Why would you say that?"

Bree sighed loudly, "I don't know, Gee. I wasn't thinking, okay, and he was just," She stopped talking, removing the pillow and sitting up, "I should apologise to him," She saw the look that Gee gave her: a look that told that was probably the right option, "Will he be at the party tonight?"

Gee shrugged, "Probably. If the boys are there, then I'd assume so," She turned back to her wardrobe, pulling out a red dress. She held it against her body, and gestures at it, "What do you think? Should I wear this?"

Bree smiled at her best friend, and nodded, "Yes, please do! You look amazing in it." She told her, and Gee squealed, hanging it up on her mirror for later.

"Now what about you?" Gee asked the girl, clapping her hands, excited to see her outfit, "Go and change so I can see!"

Bree laughed at her, "Okay." She quickly grabbed her bag, and ran into Gee's bathroom. In less than 10 minutes, Bree was changed and standing in the middle of Gee's bedroom again, "So, what do we think?" She'd decided to wear a long-sleeved, cropped fishnet top with her favourite blue mom jeans. Her feet were shoved into a pair of white converses and she was going to throw on a cropped camouflaged-patterned jacket. Overall, Bree thought she looked great, and she waited for her best friend's approval.

Gee grinned excitedly, "You look so good, Bree!"

Both girls heard the door ring, and guessed that would be Callum, who would be let in by Gee's mum, so Gee decided to change into her outfit.

"Knock, knock," Bree heard Callum say on the other side of the door. She rolled her eyes, and opened it, placing her hand on her hip, "Woah, look at you. Will's going to flip out when he sees you."

"Right, if he actually speaks to me." She muttered, hoping the blond boy hadn't heard, but he had.

"Wait, what's happened?" He asked her, concerned, as both of them sat on Gee's bed.

"I was sort of an idiot yesterday," Bree began to explain, fiddling with the sleeve of her top, "I told Will that we weren't friends, but I obviously didn't mean it. Of course we're friends. I just," Bree didn't know what to say next. She still didn't know how she felt about him, and even if she understood it, she couldn't tell him anyway. He was dating Lilly.

"You like him," Callum suddenly blurted out, just as Gee walked back into the bedroom, "You like Will."

"Of course she does, Callum. It's so obvious." Gee piped in, as she stood in front of her mirror, pushing a pair of earrings into the holes in her ears.

"What? It's not obvious," Bree tried to say. She knew that Gee was right, and she huffed when Gee raised her eyebrow at her, "Okay, look, it's not obvious, but yes, maybe I do like him, but it doesn't matter now anyway. I ruined it. If Will decides to break up with Lilly today, it wouldn't make any difference because I messed everything up."

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