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The next few days were odd, to say the least. Everyone had noticed how different Will and Bree were acting around each other. The two hadn't officially gotten together, but they might as well have, what with the sneaky kisses between rehearsal breaks and how close they seemed to have to be with each other.

"Are you and Will dating now?" Harry asked her, propping his legs up on the chair in front of him. Him and Bree was sat in the auditorium, watching a last minute rehearsal, as Will was dropping him off before he took Bree home. Bree would have gone with either Callum or Gee, but they both weren't needed, and had instead made other plans.

"Well, we're not official, if that's what you mean." Bree told him. They were currently watching Will rehearse the 'Get'Cha Head In The Game' scene, and Harry was definitely impressed.

"I never knew that Will was so good at this sort of thing." He said, as the cast finished up and began to pack their things, while Will jumped down from the stage.

"Yeah, he really does surprise you sometimes," Bree smiled, knowing how true that sentence was. When they first started this show, nearly two months ago, Bree really didn't like Will. But now? Now, she was looking forward to seeing where their possible relationship could be heading.

Will climbed the stairs two-by-two, and stopped at their isle, "Hey." He grinned at Bree. He was always happy to see her, especially after a long rehearsal.

"Hey. That scene looks so good." Bree admitted, and he bit his lip as he looked at her.

"Really? I thought I sounded shit though." Will shrugged. He took Bree's bag out of her hand, and slung it over his shoulder, along with his, as they made their way down the stairs.

"Will, you sounded amazing. You always do." She beamed at him, grabbing his hand and intertwining their fingers. Even though they weren't officially dating, they both wanted people to know they were basically-almost taken.

"Urgh," They heard Harry groan behind them, and they laughed at his reaction, "Is this what the ride home is going to be like? If it is, I'm walking."

Bree rolled her eyes, and pulled Harry forward so that he was walking next to her, "No. We promise we'll keep our hands to ourselves in the car, okay?"

Harry sighed with relief, as Will unlocked his car, and they all climbed in: Harry in the back, and Bree in the passenger seat.

"Hook me up, Will." Bree said to Will, who smirked at her.

"If you say so." He replied, to which Harry groaned again.

"Oh god." He said from behind them.

Bree pushes him gently, "Not like that, William. I meant my phone. Where's the aux?"

He handed it to her, and she scrolled through her music, looking for a good song, before she pressed play, letting the sound come through the speakers.

"Good song, Bree!" Harry exclaimed. They all clipped their seat belts in, before Will drove out of the college car park, with all three of them singing along to the song, as they made their way to Harry's house.

After they'd dropped Harry home, Will drove to Bree's house, and pulled up outside. She knew no one would be home, so she had no worries of her family seeing her and questioning her about him.

"Home Sweet Home." Will announces, as he turned off his car. He was planning to ask her something, but, in that moment, he didn't know if he had the guts to, "Before you go in, I have something I want talk to you about."

Bree looked worried. Was he about to end everything before it even started? That would crush her, "Oh, okay."

Will noticed her worried expression and reached out to her, placing his hand on her thigh, "No, don't look scared. It's good, I promise." He smiled at her, and she relaxed, "I know that we spoke about it, and I know that we said that we'd wait until after the show, but Bree, I really, really like you. I mean, I know that so much has happened, but whenever I see you, I literally get so excited, and I love it when you call me at 11 o'clock at night because you want to hear my voice. Honestly, I love everything about you, Bree, and I can honestly say that I could see myself falling in love with you one day."

By now, Bree has small tears building in her eyes, and she wiped them with her hand. She had guess in her head what he was about to say, and she already had an answer prepared.

"Bree, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked her. She didn't reply for a few seconds, and Will instantly sank in to his seat, when she suddenly reached over the console off the car, and wrapped her arms around him. He pulled her as close as he could without the console getting in the way, and he could have cried, as her smell made him feel at home, and safe.

"Oh, Will. I was waiting for you to ask me, to be honest." She blushed, sitting back in her seat.

"Really?" He asked, his face lighting up. If anyone had told him two months ago that he'd eventually start dating the girl he'd like from a far for a while, he'd probably had told them to stop lying to him, but here she was, the girl of his dreams, in his life, finally. He wanted to pinch himself, for it didn't seem real.

"Yeah. I mean, I know I was the one who said we should wait, but after a few days, I realised that I actually just want to be with you. We can still take it slow, but just, together."

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