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song attached:
Meant To Be - Teen Beach Movie


"What happened with you last night?"

Will rolled his eyes, as Harry interrogated him, "What do you mean?" He looked up to see Harry, Simon and Stephen staring at him, "What?"

Harry pulled out his phone, "So, you weren't with Lilly last night?"

Will's eyes widened, and he grabbed Harry's phone, to find texts between the two of them.

Have you seen Will today?


No reason.

Lilly, what do you want?

Nothing. Just thought you'd like to know that Will came over last night.

"Care to explain what she's talking about?" Stephen asked, after Will had read through the texts.

Will grimaced as the three boys all stared at him, unimpressed that he had spent the night with his ex girlfriend.

"I have no idea," Will shook his head, looking at the bottle of juice in front of him as they sat in the cafeteria. It was nearly the end of lunch, and while he would have gone home because of his free period, he had a rehearsal, which was how the boys had ended up interrogating him. Stephen raised his eyebrow at him, and Will just shrugged, "Don't look at me like that, Tries. You know what she's like."

"I do," Stephen agreed, "But I also know that Bree was at your house after college yesterday."

Will looked at him, a confused expression on his face, "How do you know that?"

Stephen smirked, "I overheard Josh and Gee talking about it. I also know that it didn't quite go how you expected."

Will bit his lip, and tapped his fingers on the table, "I kind of upset her, but I didn't mean to," He explained, "She just walked out of my house. That was when Lilly texted me."

Harry gasped, "So you did see her last night then?"

Will groaned, "Yes, okay, whatever, I saw Lilly last night. Why does it matter?"

"Will, she broke your heart," Simon reminded him, "You told us that you'd never be able to forgive her for what she did."

Will clenched his jaw, and slouched in his seat, "Can we not talk about it please?" He looked at his watch, and noticed the time, "Look, I have to go to my rehearsal. I'll see you guys later."

When Will entered the auditorium, he placed his bag down, and made his way to the stage, where people were gradually meeting.

He saw Callum and Gee and stood near them, before noticing Bree. She glanced at him, a frown on her face, before she went back to listening to the drama teacher's drone on about characterisation.

"I'm sorry," Will muttered to her. She ignored him, and he tried to get her attention, "Bree?"

She suddenly turned her head towards him, "What do you want, Will?"

"I'm trying to apologise to you, Bree." Will replied. He hadn't been listing to what the teacher's were saying, but they must have been dismissed to rehearse because the circle they had been in had now diminished.

Bree sighed, and grabbed Will's collar, pulling him towards a door behind the stage curtain.

"Wait, why are we going in here?" Will asked her. Bree didn't reply as she shut the door behind them, before turning to face him.

"You want to apologise? Well, go on then." Bree told him. Will couldn't speak, as he gulped a few times. Bree looked at him with a confused look, before she realised that she'd pulled him into a small cupboard, and that her body was very much pressed up against his, "Oh."

Will let out the breath he'd been holding, "Okay, look, I'm sorry. I didn't exactly mean what I said. I was just in a bad mood because-"

Bree interrupted him, "Because of what the boys had said?" She asked, and he nodded, "You never actually told me what they said, Will." If there was space, she would have crossed her arms across her chest, but there was none.

Will looked away from her, "They were treating you like an object, and I just-" He stopped himself, not knowing what was going to come out of his mouth.

"Were you trying to protect me, Will?" Bree asked, a smirk present on her face.

Will's eyes widened and his face blushed with a pink hue, "What? No. I'm sure you can protect yourself, Bree," He chuckled, before shaking his head. His eyes looked from her eyes to her lips, "I wish I could kiss you right now." He muttered, thinking he'd said it to himself.

"Why don't you?" She replied.

"What?" He stuttered. He thought he'd said that through an inner thought and now he just wanted to leave the small cupboard they were in and never see her again.

"You want to kiss me, right?" She asked, and Will sighed and nodded, "So kiss me, William."

Will stared at her for a few seconds, before he closed the small gap between them, pressing his lips against hers. He didn't know why he suddenly had the urge to kiss her, but an unknown feeling washed over him, as she pulled him closer to her.

He pressed her body against the wall behind her, and placed his hands on her waist, his cold hands against her skin from where her top was rising up causing her to shiver.

Their kiss continued for a minute or so, before Will quickly pulled away, "I shouldn't have done that." He muttered. A look of guilt washed over him, as he tried not look at her.

"What?" Bree asked. This time she was the one who was confused.

"I'm so sorry, Bree." He sighed, before leaving the cupboard, with Bree left wondering what made Will change his mind so quickly.

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