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There was a buzz in the air, as everyone was waiting for the cast list to be announced. Bree was nervous; she'd auditioned for loads of musicals and plays, but never one this big. She knew that the other girl who had auditioned for the part was just as good as her, and she began to bounce her leg up and down as that thought went through her brain.

"Bree, stop," Callum said to her, putting his hand on her knee, "Honestly, I don't know why you're nervous. You are absolutely going to get the part of Gabriella and you are going to smash it."

Bree smiles at him, and then shook her head, "Don't give me false hope, Cal."

Callum rolled his eyes, before he noticed Gee walking towards them, "Georgina! You're here! Where have you been?"

Gee scowled at him as she sat down at the table next to him, "One, don't call me that, and two, I was just with Josh," She nodded towards where Joshua and his group of friends where. One of them was patting Will on the shoulder, as he waited for the casting list, just like Bree was, "Will's nervous about the casting. He thinks he won't get it. The boys are trying to reassure him."

Callum chuckled and looked at Bree, who frowned at him, before turning back to Gee to talk about the boys. Bree glanced at the huddle of boys; she could see how nervous Will was. It was evident in the way he was chewing his lip. She watched as he looked from the door to her, throwing a quick smile towards him, and receiving one of the same nature.

Their small gesture towards each other was quickly interrupted by the large doors of the Auditorium swinging open. Everyone watched as Mrs Lawson walked out of the hall, and pinned two sheets of paper to the cork board. She said nothing, and walked back into the room, leaving the hopeful students to scurry towards the board. They all tried to see if they're name was on the list, a couple pushing their way through, but Bree stayed at the back, waiting for a space in the group, before she found a chance to read the list.

There it was. Her name. In bold. Underneath the character Gabriella Montez.

"I did it," She whispered, moving out of the cluster of students, and towards where Callum and Gee were stood, excitement written on the faces, "I did it. I got the part!" She shouted louder so they could hear her. She ran over to them, and the three friends pulled each other into a tight hug.

"We knew you would, Bree," Gee said to her, before looking at Callum, "Callum and I got Sharpay and Ryan."

Bree's eyes widened, "What? Really?" They nodded in response, "Oh my god. This is amazing. We're going to be in High School Musical! Together!"

"Now, did you read who's going to be Troy?" Callum asked, nodding towards the cast listing. Bree shook her head, and Callum sighed, "Well, let's just say, you might not like it?"

"It's Will, isn't it?" She asked him, when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned her body to see Will, "Oh, hey."

"Hey. So, I see you're Gabriella? Looks like we'll be working together a lot, " Will smirked, while Bree just rolled her eyes, "Look, I know that we don't really get on with each other, but I think this production will be really good, if we just learn to get along. Bree?"

Bree looked up at him, and nodded, "Sure. We both need to do well in this anyway, so I'll be nice to you," Will smiled at her, and Bree crosses her arms, "But you better not annoy me, Lenney, or I'll be a bitch to you for the next three months!"

She turned away from him to continue her conversation, while Will just watched, another smirk present on his face.

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