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[ I understand how confusing it can be to write about the sidemen and friends sometimes because of the two Cal's and the two Josh's so here's what they'll be in this book so it's easier to know who's actually being mentioned:
• Callum Airey/Calfreezy:
Callum / Freezy by the boys as a nickname
•Callum McGinley/Callux:
Cal / Callux or Lux by the boys as nicknames
• Josh Bradley/Zerkaa:
Josh / Zerkaa occasionally by the boys, not as nickname, but more a joke
•Josh Larkin/TheBurntChip:
Joshua / Chip by the the boys as a nickname ]


To say that Will had enjoyed the singing for the audition would be an understatement; he'd never really sang in front of people before. Everyone knew he could act, he was rather good at switching between different roles when necessary, but the singing part was new and foreign to him.

"Good job mate. That was awesome." Cal muttered, patting him on the back, as Will made his way back to his group of friends.

"I don't know about you but I definitely saw some chemistry going on on stage between you two," Stephen winked at him, causing Will to push him, annoyed that his friends were winding him up.

"We were just singing, jeez. It's not like we're going to get married." Will replied, and Cal shrugged.

"I mean, Troy and Gabriella thought they'd only be singing that one song together but they ended up with two more movies and they ended up together so-" Cal reminded him.

"Cal, that's a movie and they're characters, meaning they're not real, idiot," Will rolled his eyes, as the three boys made their ways back to the auditions, where a new couple were now singing.

"I know that. I just mean that sometimes things happen for a reason." Cal added, taking a seat in one of the rows, as Stephen and Will sat down next to him.

"I'm not going to date her. I don't like her like that," Will said, looking at the girl they were talking about, "I mean, sure, she's attractive, and her singing and acting is incredible but we don't even like each other as friends. We only tolerate each other because of Joshua."

"It's more like you're too afraid for it to be anything other than friends." Stephen interjected.

Will glared at Stephen, and was about to reply when Mrs Lawson called for silence, "I just want to say a huge thank you and well done to everyone who has auditioned. We have so much talent in this college and I'm very excited that we are able to put on a production that everyone is excited about."

She picked up a sheet of paper and quickly glanced over it, "Now, with a lot of trouble, I will narrow down the character call-backs to two people each. The list will be up on the bulletin outside by the end of the day along with the date for the call-backs," She looked up at the clock, "You're now all free to leave."

Bree knew that the discussion at their usual cafeteria area would be the auditions, considering most of the group had been watching. She glanced around the table and saw that everyone was their: Gee and Joshua were sitting next to each other, while Callum was talking with Lewis at the middle table. Josh, Simon, Cal, Stephen and Will were sat on the table to the right of hers, while Vik, JJ, Harry, Ethan and Tobi were on the table to the left. Bree sat on the end of the bench of the middle table, and placed her lunch tray down. She opened her pasta, as she saw Callum and Lewis turn to her.

"Bree, Lewis was just telling me that he enjoyed your audition." Callum told her.

Bree chewed and swallowed her mouthful of pasta, before she replied, "You mean, Will and I's audition," She smiled, "But thank you."

"No problem," Lewis patted her arm, "I didn't realise you were into performing. You and Will have more in common than I thought."

"Why do people keep saying that? First it was Callum and now you." She frowned, resting her head on her hand.

Lewis looked at Callum, confused, before Callum shook his head, "Ignore her. She's just not the biggest fan of Will."

Bree rolled her eyes, when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned to see Will sitting slightly closer to her, "What do you want, Will?"

"Good luck for later." He said, a genuine smile on his face.

Bree raised her eyebrow, "Really? I would have thought that you wouldn't want me to get the part, because if you get Troy, we'll be spending a lot of time together."

Will smirked, "I hope so."

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