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Bree wasn't surprised that he'd walked away from her. After what she'd said, she'd have been surprised if he'd stayed. The crow of people had since thinned out, and she was left standing next to Harry, who had pulled her into a side hug.

"I can tell your friends that you left, if you want to go and find him." He offered, and Bree smiled at him. He was actually really nice. This was a different Harry to the one that had tried flirting with her earlier. Bree liked this Harry.

"Really? Thank you." She said to him, giving him a proper hug. She could see her and Harry becoming good friends.

"Of course," He nodded, "Sorry about earlier. I know I shouldn't have, because of the bro code, but I just figured that you and Will were over, but yeah, I'm sorry. Can we be friends though?"

"I don't know, Harry. Can we?" She asked, and he laughed, "Yeah, we can be friends."

Harry smiled, before pushing her gently towards the door, "Now, go, before it's too late!"

♫ ♩ ♪ ♬

Bree had been looking for Will for at least half an hour, and was yet to find him. She didn't know if he'd been drinking at the party, and she was worried about him. Considering it was mid February, she hadn't seen if he was wearing a jacket or not, and she was cold herself, as she gripped her jacket tighter.


"Yeah?" She heard a boy's voice reply. She whipped around, and saw someone sat on a set of stairs that lead to a park.

She cautiously walked towards him, and waited for the streetlight to show his face, before she saw his face. It was Will. His hair was still messy, and he'd pulled his jacket into him, as he leaned against the steps, a bottle of Cider in his hand.

"Will? Thank god I found you," She rushes towards him, and sat down next to him on the step.

"Wow, thanks. You're a great friend," He gushed sarcastically, "Oh, sorry. I forgot you don't like that word."

Bree pressed her lips together, as she looked at him. She'd really hurt him. She looked down at her hands, playing with the ring that was on her index finger, "I'm sorry, Will. I, I didn't mean what I said. I hope you realise that. We are friends."

Will sighed, looking at the bottle in his hand. She thought she saw his eyes glistening, as if a tear was about to fall, but he quickly wiped his eye with the back of his hand, "I know. I guess I just," He paused, thinking about how to say what he was feeling, "I don't blame you. I mean, I got back with my ex and then kissed you within 24 hours. I've been a bit of a dick, and I'm sorry."

Bree smiled at him. She rested her hand on his knee, and waited for him to push it away, but he didn't. In fact, he turned his body so that his knees were pressed against his. Neither of them spoke, as Will raised his hand, and placed his palm against her cheek. He'd discarded the bottle he'd been holding already, and let his other hand rest on her knee, letting her place her hand on his, "I broke up with Lilly."

"I know. I saw, remember?"

He nodded, "Right," He didn't know what to say, other than the one thing he was thinking about. He wanted so desperately to tell her that he liked her, but he didn't want to embarrass himself, "What happens now?"

"I don't know, Will. I think we should wait until the shows over and then we can sort out what's happening between us?" Bree suggested. She didn't know what she'd said that, but from his reaction, she knew it was the right idea.

Will smiled, "Okay," His eye's flicked to her lips, and then back to her eyes, "Can I kiss you? Again?"

Bree chuckled, "As long as you're not going to run away this time." She joked.

"Touché." He muttered, before pressing his lips against hers. While their first kiss had been rushed, this one was different: the way that Will cupped her face with his hands, while she pushed hers into his hair. It wasn't quick or rushed. It was slow and meaningful, with neither of them wanting it to end, but it did, and they finally pulled away from each other.

"Wow." They both gushed at the same time, before laughing.

Will stood up, and held out his hand, "Come on, Princess, it's time to get you home."

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