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song attached:
Start Of Something New - High School Musical


"You did it!"

Bree watched as she saw Callum running towards her, as she stood in the atrium at the front of the college. She quickly stopped him by putting her arms out and he barged into her, almost knocking her over, before engulfing her in a hug, "What did I do?"

"The callbacks! You made the callbacks, Bree!" Callum repeated, pulling her towards the Drama space, and pointing towards a sheet of paper taped to the door, "Look!"

She looked closely at the paper and saw in black text "Gabriella" with her's and another girls name underneath. She turned to Callum with excitement, "Oh my god. So many girls auditioned for that part and they chose me as one of the two," She looked at the list again, "And you and Gee both have callbacks for Sharpay and Ryan."

Callum scoffed, pretending to flick hair over his shoulder, "Of course we do," He winked at her before turning back to the list, "Have you seen who might be Troy?"

She looked at where it said "Troy" and sighed when she saw the name underneath it. William Lenney. She shrugged, "Well, if he gets it then it just proves how great of an actor he is, I guess. If I want to be an actress, I have to learn to work with people that I might not necessarily get along with, so I might as well get used to it."

She watched as Callum shook his head, before she rolled her eyes and walked towards the college's cafeteria, leaving Callum to follow behind her.

"Welcome to the callbacks everyone! If you're here, it means that we saw something special in you that we believe is perfect for our production. If we could all settle down and find our seats quickly, then we can begin," Mrs Lawson greeted the students sitting in the audience seats, "Now, everyone was emailed the song they had to prepare, so as long as everyone is ready, we can start the callbacks," She looked at the list on her clipboard, "Let's start with William Lenney please, for Troy Bolton."

Bree looked a few chairs over from where she was sat and watched as Will stood up, letting out a long breath. He looked at her, a worried look on his face. She smiled, mouthing, "Just breath and enjoy" to him, to which he replied with a nod, before making his way down the steps and towards the stage.

Will stood in front of the microphone, and looked at the audience, his eyes searching for someone to concentrate on to control his nerves, before he closed them as the music began playing.

"Livin' in my own world, didn't understand.
That anything can happen, when you take a chance."

Bree smiled as she watched him sing the song by himself. While the song was a duet, Mrs Lawson wanted the four people auditioning for Troy and Gabriella to sing duet songs as a solo so that she could see how they were on the stage alone. Will was killing it. Even though the two never really spoke, except to criticise each other for something stupid, Bree knew that singing was Will's weakness within the performing realm, and seeing him up on the stage, singing and enjoying himself filled her with the feeling of pride that she never thought she'd feel for him.

"He's really good," Gee muttered next her, nudging her with her elbow, "I think he'll be Troy, without a doubt."

Bree just nodded, and waited for Will to be finished, before clapping along with the rest of the students.

"Excellent. Well done William," Mrs Lawson beamed, before turning to the students again, "Let's have Bree Sutherland now."

Bree stood up, and made her way towards the stage, stopping at the microphone. She looked at the small handful of students selected and smiled, as the music began to play, the tune of When There Was Me and You drifted through the auditorium.

Her performance received loud claps and cheers, as she smiled, and stepped down off of the stage, with Mrs Lawson clapping with joy.

"Excellent job, Miss Sutherland!" She exclaimed excitedly, before looking at her sheet of paper once again, "Now, let's hear George Rosen for Chad please."

Once callbacks we're finished, everyone was allowed to leave for lunch. Of course, Bree sat with Gee and Callum, as well as Gee's boyfriend and his friends. She watched as Callum chatted with Harry, a boy who's looks could almost forgive how strange she found him.

She glanced to her right and noticed Will staring at her at her, his gaze never leaving her face. She sighed, "Did you know that it's rude to stare, Lenney?"

Will smirked, "Oh, so we're on last name basis now? That's new."

Bree rolled her eyes, and proceeded to open her bottle of juice, but failed, "Fuck."

Will grinned and reached over, taking the bottle. He unscrewed the lid, placed it back and handed it to her, "You're welcome."

"Thanks," She muttered, "But you didn't need to do that."

Will nodded, "I know but I wanted to."

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