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[ The words from the script will be in bold so you can see the difference between the story and the musical. I will only use a few lines from the script here and there, as you actually need to apply for a licence to use the script and I don't wanna be sued ]


Will read his script, over and over again, as he sat on the front row of chairs in the auditorium. He was waiting for her to arrive, knowing that she'd be exactly on time, not a minute early, not a minute late.

The whole cast had been called in to have a line run through; Will looked around at everyone who was present, and frowned. Many negative thoughts passed through his brain as he sat slumped in his chair. Why was he chosen to play this part? Was there someone more talented that could have been chosen instead? Why did Bree not like him? Bree. Her name kept popping into his head recently, and Will couldn't figure out why. Maybe it was because everyone around him kept mentioning their leading lady. Or maybe it was because his friends kept winding him up about the theatre curse, in which the two lead roles usually fell in love, which he didn't believe in.


Will's head shot up at the sound of a female voice, and his focus was drawn away from his thoughts and to the girl stood in front of him.

"We're about to start the read-through. You ready?" Bree asked him, her hands on her hips. She looked at him, her eyes a dead give away that was in a bad mood, and shook her head, before she walked away, "Come on."

Will quickly stood up and followed after her like a lost puppy, his script in his hand, before they reached the edge of the stage. He watched as Bree walked up the stage steps and sat on the edge, her legs hanging over the edge, while he sat next to her, his legs crossed.

"Right, let's begin by just reading through the lines. You'll never be able to characterise them if you don't know them," Mrs Lawson grinned, as she opened her script, "Now, let's begin our first reading of High School Musical."

Gabby, it's New Years Eve. Enough reading. The girl who was playing Gabriella's mother spoke first.
Will watched Bree, as she listened, before she spoke her first line.
Oh but, Mom, I'm almost done.

He continued to watch her, until he realised that everyone was staring at him.

"What?" He asked, looking around, as a bunch of eyes watched him.

"It's your line, Will," Mrs Lawson said, pouting at his script, "Your dad has just said You'll torch em."

Will looked down at his script, "Oh, right, yeah, of course. Erm, By going left?" He finally said, looking up. Everyone had now stopped looking at him, and were instead concentrating on their own scripts.

Will scratched the back of his neck. Why was he getting so distracted by the one person he couldn't get along with? He shook his head, as he realised this was going to be a long three months.

"So, how was the first rehearsal then?" Simon asked him, as he joined his friends for lunch that same day.

"Fine." He shrugged. The boys looked at him, and Lewis shook his head.

"He's lying," Lewis replied, "What happened Will?"

Will rolled his eyes, "I forgot to say one of my lines. That's all. Nothing bad."

"How? Did you get distracted?" Josh asked, turning to Will, who was now bright red.

Will bit his lip, before muttering "You could say that, yeah." He watched as the boys all grinned at each other.

"It was Bree, wasn't it!?" Harry remarked, "I'm not surprised. She's very easy on the eye. She's definitely on my list, if you know what I mean." He winked at the guys, who all laughed.

"Don't talk about her like that." Will said loudly enough that the table next to them looked over.

"Why? You don't even like her, Will." Harry argued, as Will glared at him.

"So what? That doesn't make it okay to objectify her, Harry." Will said to him, before standing up and walking, slinging his backpack over his shoulder.

He was making his way to his next class, when he spotted Bree sat at a table, alone. She had her headphones in, and she was typing away at her laptop, when she noticed Will stood in front of her, "Oh, Will. Hey." She stuttered out, taking her headphones out of her ears.

He smiled, and slightly raised the hand that was holding the strap of his bag, "Hey. Your eating alone?"

"Oh, yeah. Callum went home and Gee is in trouble for not handing in coursework that was due last week."

Will laughed, "Sounds like Gee."

She watched as he looked away, and then back again, "Did you need anything?" She asked.

"Ye-," Will began to say, before he stopped himself, "No, don't think so."

She raised her eyebrow at him, "Really?"

Will sighed, "I wanted to ask if you wanted to meet up to run through the lines? Feel free to say no but it might be less daunting performing them if the two leads know their lines well," Will rambled on, "I mean, you probably don't want to. I mean, it's not like we're close with each other or anything and I guess it would be weird to meet just us two but-" Bree stopped him.

"Actually, that would be really useful," Bree replied, laughing at his sudden nerves, "Where and when were you thinking?"

Will was about to reply when he saw the crowds of people moving through the college, "I really need to get to lesson before I get moaned at for being late again, so I'll get your number from Gee and text you, okay?"

Bree nodded, and watched as he ran off. She put her headphones back in, and continued to work on some coursework, the Heathers soundtrack playing through her brain. It was around twenty minutes later when her phone dinged.

Hey, it's Will. Are you free tomorrow?

I'm sorry if anyone is offended by what Harry says. Objectifying women in that way is disgusting and vile. The only reason I've put it on is to keep the fact running that they are 17/18, meaning how they view women is different (and sometimes wrong) as they are growing boys who are discovering women, other than their mothers and sisters.

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