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song attached:
Starstruck - Starstruck


"So, the auditions are in three days." Callum announced, as the three friends sat in the boy's bedroom, "According to the email, we'll be auditioning with a partner, so we need to prepare a duet piece that has been chosen for us."

They all huddled around Callum's laptop as he read the email that had been sent around out loud ;

High School Musical

From what I've been hearing, you guys are all excited that we are putting on the production of High School Musical.
For those of you auditioning, here are the duet pieces you will need to practice and rehearse by yourselves:

Troy/Gabriella: Breaking Free
Sharpay/Ryan: What I've Been Looking For
Chad/Taylor: We're All In This Together
Other characters/if you're unsure on who you want to audition for: We're All In This Together

You will be put into your audition pairs on Thursday, and the lead roles will be given to the students with the most chemistry and excitement!

"Well, this should be fun." Bree sighed, as she returned to sitting on the beanbag on the floor.

"Bree. You love HSM. Why aren't you excited?" Gee asked her, crossing her arms as she sat on the floor beside Bree.

"I am excited. I just don't want to get my hopes up of playing Gabriella, when I know everyone will want to play her," Bree sighed, "Besides, I don't even have brown hair like her."

"Look, you may not look like Gabriella, but it's 2018. Who says Gabriella can't be a red-head, huh?" Callum exclaimed, standing up and walking over to the mirror on his wall. He pretended to fix his hair, before turning back to the girls, "You've got this, Bree. We believe in you."

Gee got to her feet excitedly and quickly searched something on Callum's laptop, "Now enough of this negative talk. Let's jam out to some music." She clicked play on the song, and waited for a few seconds as a song from Starstruck began to play, before she grabbed Callum's and Bree's hand, "Come on. Let's dance!"

Thursday had arrived quicker than anticipated, and Bree bit her lip nervously as she sat on the chairs in the drama hall. Her leg was bouncing up, and she turned her head to the left when she felt a hand on her knee.

"Bree, stop. That's really annoying." Callum whispered beside her. Bree just nodded her head in understanding, as Mrs Lawson walked to the front of the stage, a clipboard in her hand.

"Thank you everyone for coming to the auditions. Now, since we haven't heard everyone sing, we've chosen the audition partners at random," She explained, holding up a sheet of paper, with names typed on to it, "If your audition is successful, you will be called back for a solo audition. Good luck to everyone. The pairs and audition times are on the sheet that's now being handed around."

Callum and Gee received theirs, and Bree heard them gasp as they read it, "Oh."

Bree leaned over Callum, taking the paper from Gee, "What's wrong?" She found Gee's name and saw Callum's next hers, "You two are together. That's awe-" She told them, before she read her name, "Wait, I'm with Will?" She looked up, and noticed him watching her, before she slunk back into her seat, "Great."

"Bree, don't worry about it. Everyone will be so blown away by your audition that you'll completely forget who you're singing with." Gee whispered, as the teacher sat down in her seat in front of the stage.

"I hope so." Bree muttered.

"We're going to start the auditions now so can we have Gee Nelson and Callum Airey on stage please?" Mrs Lawson announced. Bree clapped excitedly as her two best friend's made their way to the stage. She watched as they positioned themselves, a smile present on her face as the music for What I've Been Looking For began to play. Gee and Callum were good, in fact they were incredible. They were both born to perform, but when they performed together, they created this kind of energy that was contagious.

Once Gee and Callum had finished, the students clapped in appreciation, as the pairs bowed.

Mrs Lawson smiled and clapped her heads, "Well done guys. That was excellent," She gushed, before turning to the chairs, "Now, let's have William Lenney and Bree Sutherland on stage."

Bree but her lip as she stood up and walked down the steps, as Will followed behind her. They stood in the middle of the stage, a good distance between them both. They were both handed microphones, and Bree looked towards the audience, where she found Gee and Callum grinning proudly, before she sighed.

She looked to her left at Will, who was clutching his mic tightly, causing his knuckles to turn white. She frowned, before walking towards him, "Are you okay?"

Will nodded, "Sure. I've just never sung in front of people before."

Bree smiled, "You'll be fine. Just let yourself get lost in the song."

Will looked at her while the music started, as he let out a sigh, before he brought the microphone up to his mouth, "We're soaring. Flying. There's not a star in heaven that we can't reach."

Bree's eyes widened as she listened to him singing: he was good. Amazing in fact. She couldn't understand why she'd never heard him sing before. They attended the same primary and high school, and he was casted in every play they put on, as was she, but yet, she never knew that he could sing.

As they continued, they both grew in volume and confidence, before everyone in the auditorium was clapping and dancing along with them. The pair occasionally shared a glance, before they quickly turned away, as the song ended.

They exited the stage, and Bree was greeted by Gee, who came rushing over to them, "Bree, you did it. That was incredible," She turned to Will, "And you Will. Who knew that you were so good at singing."

He smiled, shrugging his shoulders, "Thanks." before he walked off.

Bree watched him leave, before she muttered under her breath, "Yeah, who knew?"

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