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Short make-out scene and mentions of body parts at the start but that's it :)


It was finally the opening day of the show, and everyone was rushing around: setting up sets, making sure that costumes were ready, and checking that the whole cast was here.

Since the actual cast weren't needed for at least half an hour, Will and Bree had snuck off together, and found themselves back in the cupboard that Will had kissed her in for the first time.

"This brings back memories." Bree reminded him, and he frowned.

"I've told you many times how sorry I am about that." Will said. They had both forgotten how small the cupboard, as their bodies pressed together. The first time this had happened had been awkward, obviously, but only because they didn't really know each properly. Now, however, they were dating, which meant being pressed up against each other like that was just asking for trouble.

"And I've told you many times that I forgive you," She reassured him, brushing his hair out of his face, "Now, I forgot how small this cupboard was, so we seem to have out ourselves in a bit of a situation."

Will groaned, "I'm sorry. I can't control myself, okay. It's just that you're my girlfriend and I find you incredibly hot and now we're in this tiny space, and your body is so, so close to mine, I just can't help it."

Bree smirked. She knew they wouldn't do anything stupid while they were in the cupboard, but that couldn't stop them from having a small amount of fun. Plus, she'd told Gee to interrupt them in exactly ten minutes.

"Whatever you're thinking, stop thinking it. We are not making out in here, Bree. We won't be able to stop ourselves."

"I know." She replied, and grabbed his shirt, pulling his head towards her and attaching her lips to his. Will noticed a table behind Bree, and quickly lifted her, placing her on top of it. His fingers brushed against her neck, as he cupped her face. It was one of her favourite things that he did every time they kissed.

"Will." Bree said, as he kissed just beside her mouth. He pulled away from her, placing his hands on the table, either side of her body.


"Thank you." She said to him, running her hands through his hair. He loved when she did that, so she made sure to do it whenever possible.

"For what?" He asked, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"For everything. Just, thank you." She repeated. His eyes filled with emotion, as she looked up at him, their make-out session now long forgotten, and instead, they just waited, in silence for a few minutes, "Are you okay?"

Will looked away for a second, before looking back, "Oh? Urgh, yeah, of course, I'm fine."

Bree didn't believe him. She knew something was up, but she didn't want to upset him right before the show, so she decided to drop it. "We should probably go back. They'll be wanting us for a run-through soon." Bree suggested. Will helped her down from the table, and they both exited the cupboard, just as Gee walked towards them.

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