Chapter 1

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I was standing in the center of a meadow. The silver light from the crescent moon trickling down and covering the grass and plants. Beads of water, shined like the stars in the night sky. The animals running around and the waterfall not too far away were sounds that comforted me. I felt like I was home. The peaceful scenery was disrupted by screams in the distance. I instantly ran towards them knowing I needed to save those I cared about. As I grew closer I could smell the ash and distinct scent of burning flesh. The screams only became louder, ringing in my ears. As I exited the forest I saw the horrors I knew all too well. Huge shadows in the sky breathing fire, burning this hidden city.

I searched.

I had to find him. He had a message for me. One I could never hear before. In the piles of burnt corpses a hand reached out. Glowing green eyes stared back at me. He pulled me close, the chaos around me becoming silent. He was the only thing that mattered. He opened his mouth ready to say something. I knew no matter how hard I tried I wouldn't be able to hear his words.

But this time, it was different.

His voice was filled with pain, but his word was clear.


And with that I fell deep into the ashes.


I woke up with a gasp, clenching my drenched shirt over my chest. As I tried to breath calmly the burning pain slowly left my core. A knock sounded at my door. Knowing who it was I told them to come in. A sun burnt middle-aged man walked into my room with a lit candle. His eyes were sunken in and he looked much older then he was.

"Another nightmare?" Auden said in concern.

"The same one" I answered, my voice horse.

I looked to the corner of my room, dark armor glistened from the candle light. Auden was the only one who took me in a year ago. I don't really remember that night, but he had told me I was wearing that armor, wandering around aimlessly. My eyes a bright blue, extremely hard to miss in this plain village. This place is walled off, so no strangers can enter. The people here are very cautious and even rarely let elves in. No magic allowed. So, Auden was surprised to see me, a stranger wandering around the streets unnoticed by the guards at the entrance. How did I get in?

I couldn't remember who I was or where I came from. My blue cloak didn't represent a house he knew of and I was missing my sigil. My black studded leather armor was not something you could easily buy. The only thing I could remember was my name, Yoongi. Luckily, he was the one who found me and not another villager or guard. They might have executed me on the spot. Humans and dwarves here are afraid of magical creatures. Not that I am one but because of their fear, unexplainable things are not taken lightly here.

Auden took me into his home and defended me when guards wanted to kick me out. He took full responsibility of me. Besides not remembering my past, life was fine here. I farmed in the fields with Auden everyday and then we went to the Dragon's Den Inn to eat a free meal since his younger sister worked there. Yeah, some villagers hated me because they were overly cautious, but I don't blame them. Things were fine until a few months ago. I've been having this reoccurring nightmare. It always starts in that meadow and ends with that man with green eyes. Tonight though, was the first night I could hear what he was trying to tell me.

Chills crawled down my spine.

"Well c'mon then. We gotta leave for work soon" he left the door slightly ajar.

He wasn't really one to talk about emotions with. He had too many worries of his own. I liked that about him though. I had space to think and never felt pressured to speak my mind. I got up and took off my night clothes. As my routine in the early morning began, I would open the shutters and look at the twilight for a minute. One of my favorite moments of the day. I would then get dressed in my work clothes and strap my forearms and hands to prevent blisters and sprains. I tie my black shoulder-length hair up messily. I didn't like having my hair in my face as I worked. I looked at my reflection in my small and dirty mirror. My eyes are a crystal blue which made me look a bit unusual. They didn't seem to match the rest of me, but I do look human. My eyes are the only thing that look out of place. My body is well built from working everyday but I wasn't overly muscular like some of the guards. Before I leave my tiny room, I look at the armor collecting dust in the corner, great sword leaning against the wall. I wonder what kind of man I used to be, to have been well equipped like that. Was anyone looking for me?

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