II. The 7-day Breakup

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The "breakup" was like an extension of our "getting to know you" stage. We chatted from time to time after that. He would chat me to ask how I am doing. Then we discussed what went wrong. He told me of the things that he didn't like about me. He said I was childish. (I don't know why he'd say that. I guess it's when I sweet-talk him to get what I want, like forcing him to say yes even though he already said no. I already explained it to him that it's one of the characters of Filipinas. The girl sweet-talking the boyfriend to get what she wants, oftentimes saying, "sige na babe... please..." lol! It's a good feeling when you're able to finally get your boyfriend to say yes. In other words, Filipinas want to be spoiled and babied. Then I told him he should adjust to that behavior if he wants to have a Filipina gf). He also said I easily get upset. Of course, I had to explain again that it's another Filipina atittude (I guess not just for Filipinas. Everybody gets upset on something sometimes). He doesn't want me getting upset or mad when he can't reply to my chats. He even nicknamed me in his FB messenger as "Sexy tampo drama queen" something like that. I was amused, lol.

Then he also joked about me not really serious about him because I said no to mountain-hiking with him. You see, he had this crazy idea of going up a mountain for three days without food. He told me if I go with him on that 3-day hike, then he's sure that I'm the woman for him. He said it's a test that I can withstand the worst with him. I said, no thanks.. just look for another woman to climb a mountain with you for 3 days without food. I don't wanna die the dumb way, lol. Then I told him I'm sure we will die before we even reach the peak of the mountain and will be eaten by vultures. He laughed. I liked it when I'm able to make him laugh.

Since he already told me of all the things that he disliked about me, it's only fair that I share what I didn't like about him too. I sent him an email so it's more melodramatic and it will cut through his heart.

The email goes:

"Thanks.. we each have flaws.. you also have some behaviours that I have discovered that are not favorable but was no big deal for me because I was willing to accept, adjust and compromise. Like your mood swings, your sudden change of mind, your impatience, etc.. but because you also have positive attitudes, those traits are being compensated that gave me a reason to hold on and never gave up on you.. but you did.. just because I am being childish or a kid. I guess I just want to be babied.. because I am your baby, di ba? Love is unconditional. Love is accepting each other's flaws and adjusting to it. I wanted to love you like I never did before. I wanted so much to keep this relationship, however, I can do nothing about it now. Anyway, I know I can't make you change your mind about me or about us anymore because I feel that you hate me so much now.. but thanks for everything... Today would have been our one month. One month full of ups and downs, twists and turns (just like the road of Baguio) but also full of fun, laughter and happiness.. also cute, funny, intimate and sexy moments. But I want to focus on these.. the happy times we shared together.. I'll cherish them.. And whatever things I've done that made you upset or pissed you off, I wanna say sorry.. I hope you'll forgive me. I don't want you hating me for life.. Before I go, I want you to play in your mind the song I sung to you at Kaffeeklatsch... I dunno if you still remember it but the lyrics go like this: "And I'll always love you, deep inside this heart of mine I do love you.. and I'll always need you.. and if you ever change your mind I'll still, I will love you..." corny noh? But no bola-bola, promise.. this comes from my heart.
I'm gonna miss you, my french bread, that's the truth..

He replied through chat saying, he doesn't hate me and he has no time to hate people. I was glad to know that. During that "breakup" period, I would get a call from a French number from time to time. Everytime I answer it, the caller would hang up. So, the succeeding calls, I did not bother to answer. I just let it ring until it stops.

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