VII. The Risk I Took

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Before we even met, Pierre set my expectations telling me that he's not rich. That he's not the type of guy that will travel around the Philippines like most foreign tourists do. He said if we wanted to travel, he needs to save first before we can do it. I was okay with it. It's not like it's my priority. However, he told me he can support me even though I don't have a job. He pointed out that that's how it works in France. I mean the old French way. The man works, the woman stays at home... cooks, cleans the house, takes care of the children, and takes care of the husband. I had no problem with it if that's the setup he wanted. Like he said, he can support me even without a job. I was ready to take the risk and be with him (Of course I made sure that I had enough funds for myself in case this doesn't work). I resigned from work to be with him full time. I dunno if this is the most stupid thing that I did. He knew that I gave up my job for him. To spend time with him, not just on days off. At first I thought that he's going to stay with me for the duration of his stay but I was wrong because he got his own place (in Baguio which is very far from me). So, that means, I'm going to pay my own bills (because he's not staying with me). Here I am, jobless and will pay my monthly bills with no income. How can he be so insensitive? He knew I wasn't receiving salary anymore and I have bills to pay and then will leave me alone to pay for everything. Has he not told me before that he can support me even if I'm not working? My gawd, what did I get myself into? Good thing I was smart enough to save some money to keep me alive. I think it was just bullshit. I know he can't afford to feed another mouth. He can only afford to feed himself. He should have been honest with me in the first place. He should have told me not to resign because he can't afford to spend for my food, bills and other needs. Then I could have kept my job (and just tolerated my pisting Supervisor lol!). I mean, I can afford them myself but my point is, he shouldn't have told me that he can support me even if I leave my job (because in the end he didn't do it).

Alright, from the short time that we were together (before he decided to live in Baguio), I already noticed that he is a cheap Charlie. One day, we went to the grocery to buy some food for the house. When we were at the cashier to pay for the groceries, the cash register showed a total of a little more than three thousand pesos. And he was like, "What? That is so expensive! That is a lot of food, we can't finish all of them!" I told him, "That will last for a week or more. We're not gonna finish all of them in one day. I have a fridge. And 3k plus is not that much for more than a week consumption." He was shaking his head while he got his money from his pocket. (I'm sure you will all agree that 3k worth of groceries is not that much)

Another experience was when we had coffee at Seattle's Best. While we were drinking, one crew came over to give him a piece of paper for a customer service survey. I was looking at it while he was writing on the space for additional comments. What he wrote down there embarrassed me. He wrote: "Cheaper please." Omg, he's not drinking coffee in a carinderia! I would have understood if we were! When we finished, I was in a hurry to leave the place at the same time wishing I'll disappear before I reach the door because I saw one of the crew members going to our table to retrieve the piece of paper.

And yet there was another time when we were in the mall when he said he was hungry and wanted some bread. So we went to this expensive bread place (maybe he didn't know yet that it was an expensive one). He checked and finally ordered the cheapest they had. The cinnamon sticks. He ordered one. It had only 6 sticks and we had to share. I didn't mind sharing but the price was only less than a hundred pesos. So I only ate two and had him eat the four sticks. (I wanna cry already, lol!) i wanted to buy one for my own but I didn't want to embarrass him.

I'm sure you still remember the bracelet experience. I'm not gonna repeat it anymore. But I already knew that time that he won't buy it for me. Everything is expensive for him.

Am I exaggerating? Or I was just used to being spoiled by my ex-bf before him? My ex was his exact opposite. He was extravagant. My Frenchie guy was... what's the word, thrifty? Whatever, okay, let's just say my ex's opposite when it comes to money spending. Lol.  I mean, I wasn't asking for more than he can provide but it was too much. It was also stressful to hear him complain everytime about the regular prices as being high. Even the prices of food and other stuff in convenience stores, he finds them expensive. We are all aware that their prices are really higher than the normal prices in sari-sari or grocery stores. He bought a bite-size chocolate for himself (and did not even ask me if I wanted one, lol) in a convenience store. When the cashier told him of the price, he exclaimed, "What? For this size, I'm going to pay that much?" I wanted the floor to open up and just swallow me!

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