XV. The Response

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One morning I suddenly woke up with no reason at all. Or maybe I was having a nightmare about my ex and just forgot about it when I opened my eyes. I picked up my phone and checked the time. It was only 4am. Then I saw 1 notification from my email app. My heart did a drumbeat for a quick second. It made me fully awake now. I opened the email. The drumbeat became a drumroll when I saw the sender of the email. Yes, it was from him. It was a reply from my "Give Me Closure" email. It was sent at 1:23am. I was a bit surprised because I even forgot about it already. Not expecting to receive a response from him anymore. Well, I was glad that he made an effort to reply to me. Also, he said "next week" but it was only three days since I sent him that email. Anyway, he responded to the questions in my email but I could feel he's really mad about it. Gone was the friendly pisti exbabe that he was when we were chatting while I was in the plane going to the province.

He answered all 5 questions I sent him. Here's his fiery email:

1. What's the real score between you and that bitch "friend" from Baguio? I know you already told me many times that she's just a friend and you even told me that you already told her more than a 100 times that she can't be more than a friend for you but she's still hoping that you will like her more than a friend (but my gut feeling says there's more than that... why the outrage when I chatted her?)

I know her since 3years,,, at the beginning my hope was to be in love with her, but even before we met in real, I felt something wrong(she is too much a nerd for me)...We tried love relation a long time ago, but it was already dead (at least from my side), when I started to chat with you from the dating site. and NO, I repeat, I did nothing with her while my relation with you. She is not a bitch. She has no vices.

2. Have you also been doing what we were doing when I'm not with you? Sorry for being blunt but we're no longer kids. (I want to know it from you, not from her...but I can unblock her in FB and ask her if you want me to)

No I didn't ,,, I only see her in public places, and most of the time with her son.

3. Is it true that I'm the only girl that you brought to your condo? That you did not bring that bitch (or any other girl) yet to your place? (I wondered why my clothes including the ones for laundry that I already put with your dirty clothes were in a paper bag when I went back there... Is it because you kept it someplace when somebody went there to sleep with you?)

Well , packing your stuff , was for clear my place, and because breaking with you was "predictable"

4. Was I the only girlfriend you had when we were still on? Were there no other girls that you sent to Baguio and booked a hotel for or brought to your place?


5. What really happened on the 2 days that you did not communicate with me after I came back here (after we had fun on my birthday and Valentine's Day)? Was there really no electricity and you were not feeling well? (Or somebody was with you for that 2 days reason why you can't respond to my chats and emails? I wonder who it was.)

I don't remember exactly , but certainly because I have other things to do than chit-chat all day with you, I'm not a girl, and I have work to do. + when I chat with you , you do police officer questioning... so no thanx...

>I know these questions will infuriate you like you always do,,,

yes ,infuriate !
before we met in real you started your jealousy
before we met in real you was suspicious
before we met in real you was worry , if not online at your breaktime, for chatting with you
and before we met I told you to stop this behavior with me,,,
I don't have all your time, for reply all your lines,
and I already told you many times, my thinking and my reasons...
so what can I say now ?
"""Just between you and me. Please don't tell anybody, okay?""" ???
you posted all our story on your Facebook and now you tell me :"don't tell anybody..."
and whatever I say ,you just listen yourself, and say bullshit, so......"

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