IV. The Detective

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I wasn't done with the other woman yet. That lady friend of his in Baguio. It still bothered me especially that they both live in the same place. I remembered one of his stories about that "friend" (from his first visit to the Philippines). He said, she would let him babysit her son while she's at work then picks him up in the afternoon when she gets off work.

Meaning, there was really something between them before. Why can't he just be honest about it? That she was her ex? Or he can't because she's still a gf? Or if she's an ex, maybe he's not over her yet reason why he chose to live in Baguio to be near her. Now, this is really making me crazy and paranoid. Why do I have this detective mind? Or this is what they call woman's instinct?

So, when I went back to my house I did my own private investigation. I searched for her Facebook and went through her pictures. When I checked her cover photos one by one, my heart stopped for three seconds! Omg, I saw a picture of them together! I was palpitating! Good thing the picture was not sweet or I would have fainted right there and then. They were sitting away from each other on separate chairs. My bf was hiding his face under his hoodie and cap (lol he doesn't want his photo taken with her! This girl is one big flirt bitch!) but of course I knew it was him. The girl was smiling happily, big mouth and all (I would have wanted to put horns on her forehead if only I can edit a picture in a post! Lol do I sound bitter?!). But the post was old, it was 2016. Before I'll have a heart attack, I saved the picture and sent it to my boyfriend. I was surprised he replied right away! But he was mad! Really mad! He told me why I do private investigation on other people's Facebook. He said it's rude. I asked him what's rude about it, I didn't do anything bad to her. I just checked her FB and saw your picture together because it was posted publicly. If it was Private, then I wouldn't have seen it. Then I asked him to confirm if she became his gf before. He firmly said NO! (He wrote just like that, capital N and O). Then added, "Did you see me and her kissing in her bedroom? No! So, stop it!" My gawd, why is the reaction like that? Why soooooo mad? I just wanted a confirmation. Why would the girl make that picture her cover photo?! I won't make a cover photo of a pic of me and a guy if he's not that special. If he admitted that he was her gf before then it doesn't matter because it was already long time ago (as long as she is not a gf at present then I'm fine). With his reaction, it gave me something to think about.

While we were chatting he blocked me. Omg! What kind of boyfriend have I gotten myself? A childish boyfriend. I finished checking all profile and cover photos of the girl, good thing no  recent pic of him and her. So far, it was the only pic of them that I saw there.

I left him alone. I did not ask him (in Skype) why he blocked me in FB. The following day, nobody made the first move to chat. The second day, I swallowed my pride (again) and chatted him (how many times should I swallow my pride for him? Should it always be me?) I asked him how he was. I said I missed him and apologized for making him mad. He said, this time he's gonna guard his heart from being sweet-talked by me. I used my "tampo powers" and simply said, "Okay fine" and left the chat. Later on he chatted and he lightened up my mood by saying that he missed me the 2 days we did not chat. Okay, he won. My heart melted and we were in speaking terms again. The girl issue was still unresolved. Of course, I was cautious not to open the topic because I know it will be the cause of our fight again.

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