XII. The Breakup

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I'm not a good actress but I tried to act like there was nothing wrong when I received his chat shouting my name. I already knew what it was about.

Me: What babe?

Him: There is no more babe

Me: Why baby?

Him: Forget me
(Then he forwarded me the screenshot of my chat to Biatchy)

Me: Ohhhh... I know it's her

Him: Adios!

Me: I did not say anything bad. I was only concerned about you baby. Why are you more concerned about her?

Him: I know you, so stop trying to fool me

Me: I think you love her more than me? To break up with me because I chatted her, to show you that I was just concerned about you?

Him: Yeah I break with you!

Me: Babe, why? I did not say anything bad

Him: Okay, now she is your friend... go ask her if I f**k with her

Me: I was only asking her about you, if you're okay because you were not chatting

Him: It's over

Me: Please baby... so, you are choosing her over me? Just because I chatted her? Why?

Him: I told you the first time, I told you many times, so now it's finish go annoy someone else

Me: It's a friendly chat, asking about you. Why would it be a big deal to chat her when I was only concerned about you.  Asking her if you're okay because she's the closest friend you have there in Baguio

Him: You treat me like an idiot

Me: Baby plssss..... I was of course to tell you about it but we only chatted a lil bit. Why are you so angry?

Him: Oh yes I'm so angry! I have enough difficulties in my life. I don't need more trouble because of you

Me: I'm not making trouble babe. Is it not okay to be friends with her? I thought you were just friends. So, I think it's ok to ask her about you.

Him: But go continue chatting with her, she will tell you if I'm a cheater or not

Me: No, I did not ask if you are a cheater. I said I am just worried about you

Him: But me I don't want you in my life anymore

Me: Ouch that hurts

Him: I know it's your goal to let her know you are my girlfriend (ex now)

Me: Awww... because you don't want her to know. Because you like her flirting with you. But I thought she's just a friend so it won't make any difference if she knew you have a gf di ba?

Him: You are sneaky, trying to fool me and pretending to be innocent

Me: My gawd! I think she gave you an incorrect interpretation of my chat

Him: Go give your shit to someone else!

Me: This is just small, you made it big. You didn't want her to know you had a gf. Makes me sad. Ok, if you want her, fine. Go support her and her son! I'm disappointed why when I just wanted to show concern for you, I became the bad person

Him: Yeah you are a poor little angel

Me: Why like this? Why are you taking her side?

Him: I'm not taking her side, I speak for myself

Me: I don't understand it... Just because I chatted your friend to ask about you. What's bad about that?

Him: After many good tries with you and many failures, good moments also (I cannot deny), today I tell you it's finish

Me: Just because of that? Just because I chatted her? I really don't understand it. Chatting her was the reason for breaking up with me. Wow nice!

Him: bye

Me: Oh, did she get hurt that you have a gf after all? And you don't want her to know? That's why you are so mad at me?

Him: Keep thinking like you want

Me: That is so disappointing

Him: Yes it is

Me: You want her to think that you are single and available and she can flirt with you or any other girl anytime. I have trusted you and loved you. So did I just waste my time and effort?

Him: Are you done?

(I was gonna explode from the heartaches already. My heart was breaking into pieces. I didn't want to end up cursing him. So, I tried hard to still be the angel that I am)

Me: Ok, thanks for the memories

(Then I blocked him... I saw him still typing a message. Whatever it was, I wasn't able to read it anymore because I already blocked him).

After that I sat on the couch staring blankly. Shocked. Disappointed. Hurt. Wounded. Heartbroken. Pissed off. Disheartened. Crestfallen. Dismayed. Devastated. Crushed. Shattered. Despondent. Wretched. Dispirited. Downhearted. In short, my heart was broken beyond repair at that moment.

I was waiting for my tears to fall. None. I was in total shock. However, deep inside, I was hurting sooooo much.

Love and Lies (I loved him but he lied)Where stories live. Discover now