IX. The Valentine's Date

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We slept almost the whole day of February 13th since we slept late last night after the birthday date. Problem was, we had a hard time sleeping that night. So, we stayed up watching movies, laughing, talking about life and love. We didn't notice the time, it was already ‪3am‬. Therefore, it was already the 14th of February. Valentine's Day. I remembered I made him an audio greeting for Valentine's. I told him I had something for him but it's a voice recording. My Valentine message for him. Then he asked me to play it for him (and asked me to send him the copy of the audio). We both listened to it. He would laugh at some of the funny lines and would say "Yes babe" in agreement to what I was saying and would squeeze my hand and whisper "So sweet" while we were listening to it. I could see his smile even from the dimly-lit room. I know it made him feel special too.

Anyway, here's the content of the audio:

Hi babe, happy valentine's day... i dunno if you even know about this corny day for lovers... but anyway, they say valentine's day is a day of hearts... or it's a love day. So, i wanna take this opportunity to tell you how much i love you. I know i always say this to you but today would be special. You remember you asked me before why i love you? And all i say is... because you're pogi and sweet... but of course it's deeper than that... You wanna know all the reasons why i love you? Listen well and listen carefully babe....
I love you because you drive me crazy... "tu me rends fou, baby" (French for "you drive me crazy")
I love you because your hug gives me comfort...
I love you because your kiss is so sweet and your lips feel good in my mouth
I love you because your touch is so gentle and sends shivers throughout my body
I love you because you have sexy eyes that make me melt when you stare at me
I love you because your caress is so sensual especially when you did ASMR to me to make me fall asleep (ASMR – Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response. There are Youtube videos that do this to help you fall asleep. He did it to me in Frenglish version hehe... Isn't he so sweet?)
I love you because your voice soothes me and feels like music to my ear
I love you because your whisper of "i love you or mahal kita or je'taime" is so seductive
I love you because of that silly boyish grin... it makes me wanna kiss you when you do that
I love you because i find it cute when you playfully brush that pointed nose of yours on my tiny lil nose
I love you because of that soft "carpet" on your chest
I love you because of that lil hair on your face that i love to touch
I love you because of your sweet smell... that's why i love to sniff you (lol)
I love you because it's so comforting to hear your slow breathing when you're sound asleep... it feels so good to be so close to you
I love you because of that little boy inside you when you're happy
I love you because of that crease on your forehead when you're serious (though i get scared when you do that because i know you mean business)
I love you because you're cute when you call me "my salty caramel"
I love you because you make simple things fun, like by just hanging out together and talking and playing games in my ipad...
I love you because you make me feel secured and protected when i'm with you
I love you because you make me feel special by being a gentleman
I love you because you do things that make me feel loved....
Like when you kissed my tears away when i was being childish and doesn't want you to go...
Like when you kissed me softly when i was having one of my tampo moods (I find it really sweet when you went to bed that night and kissed me gently)
Like when we were walking at Burnham Park one night where I had an unforgettable moment with you when you suddenly picked me up and spun me around in circles like lovers do in movies. It was magical for me. No one has ever done that to me but you. I think i felt myself blush that night knowing that there were people looking at us. I bet I had stars and hearts in my eyes. I was even imagining that somebody videotaped us to capture that cute and sweet moment.
I love you because you gave me that "love at first sight" feeling during our first meeting. You looked all too handsome for me, smiling shyly while you walked down the street towards me. I felt like i was a high school girl having a crush with a "boy-next-door" guy. Promise, I was attracted with you the first time I laid my eyes on you. I know it was the same way with you too. We both felt the chemistry and the magic of that moment.
Anyhow, even though these things are not present in you babe... am still gonna love you....
I'm still gonna love you even if your hair all turn to grey
I'm still gonna love you even if you go bald
I'm still gonna love you even if you're already in a wheelchair
I'm still gonna love you even if your eyes go blurry or even blind
I'm still gonna love you even if you get Alzheimers and ask me "who are you?" (I'll just hug and kiss you and tell you I'm your private nurse... hehe..)
In other words babe, i'm gonna love you forever and always.
Happy valentine's day babe... i love you.... mahal kita.... je'taime...

He was touched by my Valentine message for him. He said it was sweet. He thanked me, kissed me and said that it's the first time that a girlfriend made one like this for him. I was happy that he liked it.

That night we went out for a special Valentine dinner. We went to a nice Greek restaurant. The place was "dressed" for the occasion. Red hearts and flowers everywhere. Most customers were couples. The ambiance was cool. They had a photo booth. A big heart-shaped cardboard cutout as a picture frame decorated with little red and pink hearts around it. I would have wanted to have a photo with him there but I was shy, lol! (Anyway, we already had pictures from the restaurant which became useful at the latter part).
Dinner was over and it was time to go home again. Taxi was scarce. Maybe the drivers also have dates! We saw some couples walked up the steeper side of the road. We just followed them (I'm sure they were also looking for a taxi). Then I joked with him that I'll get tired if we walk all the way up there. Without saying a word, he picked me up and carried me in his arms like a baby. I was surprised and shrieked like a kid telling him to put me down. He didn't. He continued walking with me in his arms still shrieking and telling him to put me down. The two couples in front of us looked back. I was embarrassed. I begged him to put me down and he did. Isn't he crazy? Yes, he is. My crazy-sweet French boyfriend.

The next day was bye bye time again. He said the fiesta is over. Indeed. I remembered my siblings were coming over the following week and told him about it and asked him if he'd like to meet them. He was ecstatic about it. He said, "Oh sure sure, I'd like to meet your brother and sisters." Then we set it up. He'll go visit me on the 22nd and then go back with him on the 24th for the flower festival. Everything was sorted out.

The whole stay with him was great... I'd even say perfect. No fights, just sweet moments. We both had fun. We had the time of our lives. If only I could stay longer, I would. He even joked with me, "You wanna stay another day, babe?" I know he was joking because he knew I'm gonna say yes, lol. He likes to tease me. And yeah, i said, "Yes, of course!" Then had to explain that he had work to do, so he needs to have "Me time" again. I understand the setup and should get used to it.

He accompanied me to the bus terminal. The bus going to Clark just left and the next bus is not leaving in another 45 minutes. So, we went to a fastfood first to have lunch. After our lunch we went back to the terminal to catch the next bus. He hugged and kissed me goodbye. I watched him go, then called out to him, "Babe!" He looked back and I mouthed an "I love you" and he said, "I love you too." It made me sad that I had to leave again and be away from him again.

While at the bus, I got a Skype message from him saying, "Take care baby pisti, I'm gonna miss you." (See, he already knew "Pisti". Of course I taught him that.) Then I replied telling him I'll just chat him when I get home because I'll sleep in the bus. Did I not say that I'm gonna miss him too? Yes, I did not. I forgot. When I finally got home, I was tired from the trip and chatted him, "I'll sleep na babe. Tired and sleepy. Goodnight." He replied almost 3 hours later, saying: "Goodnight sexy baby." (Of course I read it the next morning).

I almost forgot to share it... the last night that I was with him, I woke up like 2 or ‪3am‬ and he was watching a movie in his laptop. I asked him sleepily, "Hey Babe, why are you still up? What movie are you watching?" He replied nonchalantly, "The Other Woman". I wasn't expecting that. I had no time for a discussion or it will lead to an argument again. Anyway, I was still sleepy. Before I drifted off to sleep, I had this question in my mind, "Why was he watching that movie? Is he trying to get some tips on how to keep all of his women?" Am I paranoid? Well, I just find it a bit off why he'd watch it. Men prefer to watch action, sci-fi, adventure or superheroes type of movies. I would have understood if we were watching it together but he was watching it alone.

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