III. The So-called Friend

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Vacation with the family was over. I was excited that I was seeing him soon.

Finally, the day came that I'm gonna visit him. When I was at his condo, I noticed some stuff that I saw for the first time. Things that are off and I don't think he himself would buy. I asked him where they came from and he was honest to tell me that they came from his friend. Yes, no other friend but the lady friend from Baguio. I don't mind about the non-personal things, like stuff that he'll need for the condo but personal ones like cap or jacket or whatever. Come on. I know all of his personal belongings from caps/hats to shirts, jackets, pants and even underwear. I know what he already owned and the stuff that he asked me to buy (with his money). Of course I know by heart what I also bought and gave him. I didn't like seeing those stuff from his place. He was being showered with gifts from that woman. I asked him why she would do that. A woman will not give a man (especially if she's not her boyfriend) personal things for nothing. There should be something. Maybe she likes or loves him? Then he said it's rude not to accept what she gives him. He didn't ask for them. She voluntarily gave them to him. Okay, I'll consider that. Rejecting a present is an insult. Then we were back on that topic again. On that woman from Baguio. So I had to ask him again though I already asked him before... what the woman wants, what's the real score, what's their status. I am the girlfriend and I have the right to be jealous and to know what's going on. I needed an explanation. Of course he told me again that she is just a friend. That she never became his gf though he's known her longer than me. That they never came to a point of being lovers. Then said that he admits that she likes him very much even up to now. And that he already set her expectations and told her like a hundred times that she can't be his gf. That he only treat her as a friend and it can't be more than that but she can't understand that because she's still hoping that someday he will like her back and make her his gf. Then said maybe that's the reason also why she's giving him gifts so that he will pity her from her effort and eventually return the favor by liking her back as more than friends in the future. However, he reassured me that it's not gonna happen because he doesn't have love feelings for her. He doesn't see her as a potential gf. Just friends period. He also told me she's even annoying because she'll always make up excuses just to see him. Like she would tell him, "my son wants to see you" (Oh? so, is he the dad? I know he's not. The son is from an ex Filipino boyfriend that left her for another girl. So, why use the kid as an excuse to see him? Because she knew my boyfriend has a heart for kids.) He admitted that he would sometimes give in and see her for that reason alone. Other times she would use going to church together as an excuse to see him which he said he declined because he's not the type of guy that goes to church and maybe people will think he is the boyfriend. Then she would also invite him over to her house for lunch or dinner which he said he also declined because he doesn't want to be labeled by the woman's family as her boyfriend. He said those things annoy him because he could see them as excuses so he will meet up with her or date her. She simply cannot understand that she is not a girlfriend and cannot be a girlfriend. Isn't that very pathetic? She's trying very hard to always be with him? Yeah, I understand because just like what my boyfriend told me, she has a very strong liking for him and can't just give it up though he already set her expectations that she can never be his gf, just a friend. No more, no less. Then I calmed down a bit and said to myself, "Okay, so it's just really the girl that's making the effort for everything and my bf is just going with the flow." Maybe because he doesn't want to hurt her feelings because she was his friend after all. But still it was not safe since he would still see her if the excuse was, "my son wants to see you". It was not good. I told him, I don't like him seeing her again on purpose knowing the situation (the girl likes her so much like what he said and would always find a way to see him). It was okay if it's just a coincidence, like they met by the road or in a resto or in any establishments. But setting up a meeting is like a date. It would make the girl hope that she will become his gf eventually. He agreed with me and even said that maybe next time he will just make an excuse, say he can't because he's busy. And I told him, "Yeah babe because she will get used to it. To use her son as a reason for you to see her." Then he explained that the first meeting was just accidental. They saw each other in Session Road and said hi to each other and did a little chit-chat and nothing more. I was relieved that my bf understood my point of view. I dunno if I'm being selfish but I'm just being a woman that sees danger in that kind of situation. Him seeing another woman that likes him so much (who knows if they have a past, since he met her before he met me), was a threat to our relationship and I hated it. The topic about her was closed (I think for the meantime because I'm sure it's gonna come up again in the future). The rest of my stay with him in the condo was great except for the last night. Well, I think it was my fault because I was being childish and unreasonable. I got upset with him. It was just a petty quarrel, no biggie. I wasn't talking to him. I gave him the silent treatment. I feel sorry for him because he was like talking to the wall. Still he treated me nicely, maybe he got guilty that he ruined my mood. I felt bad about it. Even though I wasn't talking, he still asked permission from me that he'll go out to the garden and let me have my tampo mood to myself, hoping that it would be gone by the time he's back. After an hour he went back. I heard the door opened. I pretended to be asleep. Then he went slowly to bed and gently kissed me. That was so sweet. It washed away the tampo that I had for him. I pretended to wake up and kissed him back, trying to smell from his breath if he smoked or drank. (He occasionally drink and rarely smoke but haven't seen him smoke yet though) He laughed because he knew what I was doing and told me he didn't smoke or drink. Yeah, I didn't smell any trace of alcohol or cigarette from his breath. (His sweetness is one of the things that I miss about him).

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