VIII. The Birthday Date

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My Singapore trip was over and my birthday was fast approaching. As agreed, I'm going there on a Monday (on the day of my birthday itself). We were chatting on Sunday. I told him I'm going there early morning of Monday so I won't spend the half day of my birthday in the bus. He said okay, however, I could feel that he was not really okay about it because I usually go there after lunch time and arrive there in the evening. He expected that I'll do the same. Like I said, I didn't want to waste my special day in the bus.

I woke up past ‪12am‬ to get ready for my trip. Then he chatted, "Remind me again why you wanna come here soooo early in the morning." I didn't know if I'm going to laugh or get mad at him. I didn't want to lose my patience and fight with him. I was all set. My bag was packed and I was just preparing something to eat before I go. I did not reply to his chat right away or else I'll be in my beast mode. I wanted to take a deep breath first so I could answer to his chat nicely. I allowed thirty minutes before I responded. Then I said, "Babe, come on... you don't want me spending my birthday in the bus, do you? Anyway, this is the first time that I'm going there this early, di ba? Also, I'm ready to go... don't tell me you're changing your mind again." He simply said, "Okay, keep me posted."

I arrived there earlier than expected. Therefore, he was not ready to pick me up. So I told him I'll just get a taxi going to his place instead of waiting for him, anyway it was just like more than 5 minutes going to his condo. He was already outside the building waiting for me when the taxi arrived in front of the lobby of his condo. He opened the door of the taxi for me and got my things. He looked so handsome under the almost fading light of the moon. He hugged me when I got off the taxi. He gave me the kiss when we were inside the condo.

We didn't go out until the night. He still didn't tell me of what we're going to do for my birthday. He's the boss. So, I just followed where he led me. First we went to a bar. It wasn't fancy. I only saw two tables that were occupied. Anyway, it was understandable because it was a bit early, like past ‪7pm‬. He said he wanted us to drink a little bit before we have our special dinner. We each had one glass of wine. I chose a lighter one. I told him I don't wanna get drunk on my birthday.

After we finished our drinks, we got out and rode a taxi going to Camp John Hay. He brought me to this lovely restaurant there. They say this is the best fine-dining restaurant in Baguio, the "Le Chef at the Manor". I was impressed. At least he made it really special for me. Before we got our table, he led me first to the back garden of the restaurant so we could take a walk. The cold breeze was caressing my skin or it was his hand doing it because he had his arm over my shoulder. I had mine on his waist while we walk under the moon-lit sky and taking in the chilly air of Baguio. It was romantic. There were also some couples in the benches of the garden. We opted to walk than sit. After a few minutes we went back inside of the resto and got our table. He asked me to order anything I want. But of course, I'm not in the death row and it's not my last supper. I just ordered a veggie salad and one main dish. He had lamb chorva, whatever. Then he ordered us champagne to toast for my birthday and one frozen daiquiri for me. I felt special that night.

The cheap Charlie was not in play. He didn't mind spending a lot for our dinner. I got a bit tipsy from the champagne and daiquiri. I told him I feel a bit dizzy. He said no worries he'll just carry me. Lol. After our dinner, he led me to the dessert section of the resto and said my birthday is not complete without a cake. I thought he's gonna buy one whole cake but thanks he just ordered one slice to go (anyway, who needs one whole cake when there's just two of us). When we were outside, he took the cake out from the brown paper bag and looked at it closely, checking as if there's something wrong with it. Then he blurted out, "My gawd, this small slice of cake costs a hundred and eighty pesos? Come on!" (Lol I thought the cheap Charlie mode was turned off for the whole night) But yeah, I'll agree with him on this one. It was just a small slice of cake for almost two hundred pesos. Well, considering the place (and the price of our dinner), I wouldn't be surprised. Then I just told him that next time we'll not buy cake from them anymore so as not to ruin the perfect night.

We went out from the restaurant into the cold night. There was no taxi yet so we walked a little bit down the road of Camp John Hay. While we were walking, he suddenly stopped me. He held my face in both of his hands then kissed me passionately on the lips. It wasn't a quick kiss but a lingering and hot one. He didn't mind of the cars passing by. Anyway, I didn't mind too. It felt good especially I was tipsy. It sent electricity throughout my body. It made my knees weak. I think he felt it because his other hand went to my waist to support me while his kiss deepened and i was already starting to get lost in it. I wish we were not by the side of the road! I wish we were somewhere private so we could kiss forever and do something more than just a kiss. It was like a fairy tale where the prince finally kissed her princess but i'm the one on it now. He is the prince and I'm the princess. That night was enchantingly beautiful.

Then we saw a vacant taxi approaching, we stopped it and got in. The birthday date was over and it was time to go home. When we arrived at the condo he reminded me that we still have the cake to eat or the one-hundred eighty pesos will just get spoiled and go to the trash! Anyhow, it was bought for my birthday and should be eaten on my birthday. And so we did....and used the icing for other purposes. Of course we had to continue what we did (and more) by the side of the road at Camp John Hay! Just kidding! Lol.

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