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Prudence ran for a few minutes until she reached the woods. Sara wasn't there yet. Quietly, Prudence removed the dagger from her book bag and hid it in her hoodie's sleeve in case Sara saw it and phoned the cops on her. "Bitch," a voice said from behind. Prudence froze and slowly turned around. "Jesus Christ," she groaned. "Don't scare me like this!!"

Sara: "Don't tell me what to do. Quickly, tell me what you wanted, because I'm wasting my goddamn time here,"

Prudence slowly slid her dagger closer to her palm. "Hey, look! A rare bird!" she gasped loudly. Very rapidly, Sara turned her body from Prudence and tried to find the bird. "I don't see anythi-" began Sara, when she heard a loud stab. Sara halted and stopped breathing for a second. Suddenly, she felt intense pain. Slowly, she fell on her knees as blood dripped from her mouth. "I...I..ha.." she tried to utter in a horrifying voice as if she were a ghost. She took her last breath loudly, then her corp fell to the ground. Prudence felt her pulse. It wasn't running. She began to pant. She finally did what she wanted to do for such a long time. It was revenge. "If you do abysmal things in life, life will do abysmal crap to you too. "This is called Karma, bitch. YOU ARE DEAD!!" Prudence hollered and pulled the dagger from Sara's corp. She wiped the blood off the dagger with her own clothes and dropped it into her book bag. 

Prudence spent the next two hours digging a grave with her bare hands. She buried Sara's body and left a piece of paper in there that said 'Here lies Sara Elisa Moscow, born March 20, 1999, died November 19, 2015.' in handwriting that did not look like her own. "Fuck you, Sara," said Prudence, spat on the grave and ran off to downtown.

She then spent the next five hours in downtown Detroit, bought some snacks and Mountain Dew, and hung out in Detroit's forsaken places. Very late at night, she returned home. Things weren't good; Richard was still awake and she got busted. "Halt," said Richard, "turn around,"

Prudence: "I'm not in the army,"

Richard: "Do you have any idea what time it is?!"

Prudence: "Why should I care about that?"

Richard: "It's one-forty five a.m! What is on your mind all day?! Since when you've been returning home later than midnight?!!"

Prudence: "Shut up, Dick. You'll wake that Russian midget,"

This was the boiling point for Richard. He stood up from the couch and started taking off his belt when Palutena came out of their bedroom. "Richard, what's-" she suddenly stopped talking and looked at her daughter. "Prudence, what on earth?! Look at you!"

Richard nodded. "Is the fact that she returns home past midnight shocking you at all?"

Palutena: "Past midnight?! You're kidding, correct?"

Richard: "I'm not. Trust me, I'd never lie to you,"

Palutena: "What's this smell? You smell like tobacco! Do you smoke?!"

Prudence leaned against the wall, and once she did, her cigarette pack fell out of her jacket pocket. Palutena screamed. "What has gotten into you, little rodent?! Since when do you think that smoking is okay? Who put that in your mind? Where do you even get them?! You have none of your own money!"
All the racket woke Dan up. "I don't need you participating in this. Go back to bed," Richard ordered his son. "This isn't the army," said Dan, "you all were yelling and that woke me up. Tell me what happened,"

Richard: "Oh, come on, kids, quit giving me lectures about this not being the army! Go back to bed, I told you,"

Dan: "I need you to put the belt away,"

Richard: "Don't you start on the how-to-be-a-parent lectures with me. I'm the parent, I'm the head of the family, I know better. Now get your Italian ass in your room before this belt is used on you!"

Dan made an attempt to take the belt from his father, but Richard had none of it. He raised it in the air and made a scar on his son's face. However, Prudence didn't like this and revenged by kicking her father. Richard didn't give up and pushed her into the wall. "Just give me a fucking break!! I have this greasy dude to deal with first! Then you, little disgrace will get what you deserve!"

This was the end of it. "Fuck both of you, Dick and Pal! You two aren't parents, you are manipulative, abusive bastards that belong in hell!!" shouted Prudence. She grabbed her bookbag that was sitting near the door and ran out of the apartment, down the stairs, and out of the tenement. "Get back here!" gasped Dan, and tried to go after her, however, it was too late. "Don't go after her," said Richard and locked the door. "I'm done with her. Just let her go as I did with Fred. And if I get a call from the local prison that she's arrested, I will not go get her. If a lawsuit will be involved, I will not go,"

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