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"What?" gasped Robin, dropping his cigarette. "You heard me," Rosalind flicked her tongue. "I said that I'm pregnant,"

Robin: "You...you can't be pregnant,"

"I sure can," Rosalind said, "who didn't wear a condom the last time we spent a night together?"
Robin sighed. "Don't worry...I'll take care of it,"

Rosalind: "Take care of what?"

Robin: "...the abortion. What else?"

Rosalind: "What makes you think I want an abortion? We'll get married and raise this child together. Isn't that what you wanted?"

Robin: "I do want it, but... not right now! We're too young!"

Rosalind: "If I make an abortion, we might not be able to have kids in the future. Robin, it's our baby. It's what we dreamed of ever since we started dating. Now you must let me keep this baby. And you can't refuse to raise it with me either,"

Robin started to panic. "But...I'm not ready to be a dad yet and neither are you! You think it's easy; NO! Raising a kid is a HUGE responsibility. And don't you dare to tell me 'if it'll become challenging, I'll just put it up for adoption,' NO. You aren't putting it up for adoption. Either you're getting an abortion or you're having it and keep it for the next eighteen years minimum,"

Prudence heard the whole thing. "No way," she said to herself and pulled Amore out of her bag.

January 16, 2017

Dear Amore,

I just overheard Robin and Rosalind's conversation. Rosalind told Robin she's pregnant. As far as I know, four to six weeks must pass before you know 100% that you're pregnant, but you could get symptoms before. She must have had all the symptoms, nevertheless it's not 100% proven that she's pregnant. If she is, I swear to god I'm going to fix this issue. She refuses to get an abortion, but she doesn't have a choice. I'll wait for four to six weeks and then I'll think about it. Wish me luck, love.

Sincerely, P. D.C

Prudence slammed her diary shut and ran away from the place she was listening to the conversation. However, her plan wouldn't be a secret for long. She was being watched.

Later that afternoon, Rosalind returned home, went to her room, and suddenly, the door shut behind her. "Austin, god damn, cut that out now!" she hollered and kicked the door open. Austin wasn't there. His toy truck sat in the middle of the empty hallway, but no sign of him. "....Austin! Quit playing games with me!" moaned Rosalind, feeling nauseous.

"Austin is still at school, dummy," a creepy voice said. It did not sound like Austin at all. "Who-who's this?!" gasped Rosalind, remembering that her brother would still be in school at this time. The girl walked back to her bedroom and once she got there, she slammed the door shut. "Surprise, bitch," the voice said, and the person was right behind her. "GAAAH!" gasped Rosalind, stepping back. "Long time no see, Rosie,"

Rosalind tried to remember who this was. She was speechless. "Who the hell are you? Come out now, or else I'm calling the cops,"

-"We were best friends in ninth and tenth grade. Come on, think about it!! Think about my surname! It's a capital city of the world's largest country,"

Rosalind froze. She remembered: "...Sara Moscow?!"

"Yes," said the voice, when Sara's ghost floated into the room. "But Sara is dead! She was murdered like, two years ago!"

Sara: "Yes, I've been dead since November 2015. So anyway, do you know why I'm here?"

Rosalind: "Ehm...no?"

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