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Rosalind and Robin headed to the boy's house. However, Robin couldn't stop thinking about Prudence. What a strange girl, he thought, I should get to know her better.

When the couple entered the apartment, Robin pulled out his phone where a text message arrived on the screen.

hey, it's Prudence ;)

Robin knew that if he was going to build a relationship with Prudence, Rosalind would get really jealous. "You gave her your phone number?" asked Rosalind, plopping on Robin's bed next to him. "Well...yes, I did. Why do you ask?"

Rosalind: "You know I don't like to share you with other people, right?"

Robin: "Yes, Rosalind, I know. However Prudence seemed like a girl I'd enjoy talking to,"

Rosalind: "Robin...you want to cheat on me, don't you?"

Robin placed his phone on his stomach. "Look, just because you're my girlfriend that doesn't mean that I can't talk to other people. I won't cheat on you, I already promised this. But look, I don't have any other friends, so let me make just one friend, alright?" without waiting for her to answer, Robin picked up his phone, unlocked it and replied to Prudence:

hey, Prudence! Rosalind is a little pissed we're friends, but we'll still talk

Rosalind ignored Robin sending text messages to Prudence. She was dying of jealousy inside. Eventually, she grabbed the phone from Robin and got on top of him. "Are we gonna spend time together or what?"

-"What do you want to do? You're just laying here feeling on me,"

Rosalind smiled. "You know what I want," however Robin wasn't satisfied with the idea. "Later," he grinned and pushed her off of him. "Let's do our homework first,"

-"Then we're going to watch a movie. I call choosing the movie,"


The couple sat down to do homework. Robin was trying to get his grades up, but Rosalind didn't care about her grades. After two hours, she opened Robin's laptop and entered Netflix. "All right, all right..." sighed Robin. He put down his pencil, shut his textbook and laid in bed next to Rosalind. "Let's watch The Walking Dead," suggested Rosalind, pressing the play button. Robin sat up. He loved that show.

The couple watched Netflix for over three hours. Soon, Rosalind got sleepy. She got under the covers when Robin heard her slipping off her clothes. "What are you doing under there?" he asked, closing his laptop computer and putting it under his bed. Rosalind grinned at him: "Come under here and you'll see,"

The following day after school, Prudence was waiting for Robin. "Hey!" she called, standing up from the bench. Robin smiled at her. "My lord! Your hands are blue.." he gasped, feeling Prudence's fingers. "I suffer from Raynaud's syndrome currently. I'm homeless," 

Robin put his arm around Prudence. "Come with me," the teens went to Robin's house. "You should stay here until you find a place to live," offered Robin, giving Prudence a cup of hot chocolate. "I haven't had hot chocolate since I was like five," she moaned, sipping it slowly. "You got siblings?" conquered Robin, hanging up his coat.

-"Used to,"

Robin: "Used to? What do you mean?"

Prudence: "It's a long story. I don't want to talk about it,"

Robin: "What about your parents? What happened to them??"

Prudence: "They're in jail. My family is a criminal family,"

Robin sighed. "Do you have anybody at all? Friends? Boyfriend? Anyone, just name somebody,"

Prudence: "Nope. Had one boyfriend only like three years ago, still a virgin. I um...did have a friend that lived around here, but we didn't talk for two years. And I made another friend in this abandoned town which is located hell knows where, his name was Helmut...he was serving in the army, but he's gone now...he died as a hero..he and I saved kids from a burning church,"

Robin: "Who was your friend from here? I might know him,"

Prudence: "Not sure if you know him, but he was Polish. Joshik is the name,"

Robin shook his head. "Damn. You're a loner..."

"Anyway...Robin. Will your girlfriend go mad if I stayed here?"

Robin: "She doesn't know about this. I'd like her to understand that just because we're together that doesn't mean that I can't talk to other people,"

Prudence: "Jealous girls are jealous girls. I've known so many people like that in my life, I can't tell you how much I hate them,"

Hours passed, and by the time Robin and Prudence finished talking, it was eleven fifteen pm. Robin pulled out a sleeping bag for Prudence and got into his bed. "Should I turn the light off?" he asked. "Not quite yet. I'd like to write something in my diary first,"

January 9, 2017

Dear Amore,

That guy I was talking about yesterday let me live with him until I find a new home, so I'm not homeless ...for now. The guy's name is Robin Lansing and he seems to really care about me. I can't say whether he's better than Joshik and Helmut, but I really like him. Yeah, I know what I'm going to say is extremely ridiculous, but I have feelings for Robin. Please don't judge me and don't let Robin read this diary. Please. If he reads this I'll lose him too, like I lost Helmut, Joshik and everyone else. He's my only hope right now. But he's taken. Rosalind Jones has his heart...but I'll win his heart. You're just a diary, but have faith in me if you want me to cover all your pages with words.

Bye for now. -Prudence

For several days, Prudence lived with Robin. Rosalind found out only a week after spending the night with Robin. Rosalind was dying of jealousy, nevertheless, she had an excuse to turn her boyfriend's attention back to her and away from Prudence. On the way home from school, Robin offered Rosalind a cigarette. She denied. Robin was surprised. "This is the first time you're not accepting a cigarette. Are you trying to quit?"

Rosalind smirked. "Oh, baby boy! Your jokes make me laugh so hard!"

Robin made a suspicious look: "Rosalind...but you've never said no to a cigarette! Tell me what's going on!"

-"I'm pregnant,"

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