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Once the Cardwells ran further into town, they saw the terrifying creature with their own eyes. A snake body with a macaw's head, tail, and claws, the size of the Sears Tower in Chicago. "Dan!! Hold on, I'm coming!!" shouted Prudence, and then turned to Riel-ne: "Hey!! Bastard! Come deal with me!!" she screamed at the top of her lungs and stabbed her sword into Riel-ne's tail. "You have twelve hours left until the mission is over," Titus' voice whispered in her mind. "Fred, we need to hurry up!!" she told her brother when Riel-ne shrieked of pain. He reached to bite Prudence, however, she dodged him.
He rammed his immense beak into the ground, and it got stuck. Prudence pulled her sword out of Riel-ne's tail and started climbing his body. Fred raised his flamethrower and started shooting at the animal's stomach.

Italians weren't ignoring the fight; the whole country was watching it on television. Including Vincenzo and his mother. Vincenzo squinted his eyes. "Wait a minute...I've seen these people somewhere...they look like my sister and brother,"

Giulia glared at her son. "Vinny...are you sick?" she conquered, feeling her son's forehead. "Mamma, I'm serious!! I feel like I know these people, but...isn't the girl supposed to be dead?! And isn't that man in prison?" he replied.

-"Vincenzo...this isn't possible...if the man's arrested and the girl is dead..then why are they here?!"

Riel-ne became furious. Why the hell are these two midgets stabbing warm objects into my body, he thought. "Fred!! Look out!!" Prudence warned her brother when Riel-ne started shooting icicles at the man from his beak. Fred ducked for cover just in time, when Prudence stabbed a flaming arrow into Riel-ne's back. The beast felt it and squawked in pain. "Keep climbing, Prudence!! I'll distract him!" hollered Fred and ran to Riel-ne. "Hey, monster! Come to kiss my ass!" the man began teasing the animal. Prudence didn't stop climbing Riel-ne's body, and when the creature shot his macaw head at Fred, Prudence stabbed another arrow into his back. Once his head fell to the ground, the man shot fire at him. That time Fred totally dropped a bombshell on Riel-ne. The monster yanked his head back up, which caused Prudence to almost fall off, however, her gloves prevented her from doing so. The gloves Ledger gave her would stick to Riel-ne's body, and it was practically impossible to fall off of anything.

"You have nine hours until your mission is over," Titus' voice echoed again. "Fred, nine hours!! We need to get moving!" Prudence notified her brother once she stabbed more arrows into the animal's torso. Enraged, Riel-ne began to shake to try to get this goddamn girl off his body, but it was absolutely futile. It was lucid to Riel-ne that these two strangers were trying to prevent him from doing his job and eliminating him. The beast decided to leave Prudence for now and started attacking Fred.

"Oh, lord! Now the creature is trying to attack that man on the ground! However, the girl is so confident that she keeps climbing this Sears Tower-sized animal!" the TV host said. "No...this is definitely Fred and Prudence...they look exactly like them!" Vincenzo whispered. He could not believe his eyes. His beloved sister was alive. Well, not exactly alive, Vincenzo didn't have a clue that she was a ghost. "Vinny...could you tell me who Fred and Prudence are?" Giulia asked her son. "My siblings from my foster family," Vincenzo explained, "In fact, I have a third brother, his name is Oleg, he's a foster child from Novosibirsk. I don't know Fred very well since he was away for most of the time while I lived in the States. He's the dad's son from his erstwhile spouse, and I know that he's supposed to be in prison for the second time in his life, but...as you can see, he's on Italian television instead! He must have escaped. That girl is my sister, and she lived with me since I was three. Last week she left me a note that she assassinated herself, however, I see her here now! And Oleg..that Russian Midget...Prudence beat him up, and he had to go to the hospital. I heard a few days ago that he recovered and nothing too serious happened, just a few wounds, a black eye, and a twisted ankle. They let him out and since his foster parents are in prison, they sent him back to his orphanage in Russia,"

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