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Helmut and Prudence heard screaming for help inside the burning church. "It must be the children that come here to play!" gasped Helmut and ran closer to the church. Prudence followed him. "We have to go in there! We must save those children, no matter what! They have a whole life ahead of them," she said, grabbing her friend's hand. "We'll be heroes..." replied Helmut, shuddering. "Come on!! We can't leave innocent children to die in there!" yelled Prudence and jumped into the burning building.
Sure enough, there were children in the church, crying, choking, screaming for help. Helmut ran to a child and grabbed her. "If you want to live, do what I and that girl tell you to do," he told her, and the girl nodded in shock. Helmut tossed the girl out of the burning building, followed by Prudence, who tossed out a young boy. "Next child," ordered Prudence, grabbing the next kid. The kid then bit her arm out of nowhere. "YOWCH!!" she gasped and barely got the 'biting' child to the exit. "I'm trying to save you here! Quit biting, little rodent!"
"We've got three more!" yelled Helmut, grabbing a boy. "Kids! We'll help you out! Just do what we tell you to do!!" Prudence ordered as the kids threw themselves on Helmut and Prudence.
"Coast clear!!" said Prudence and jumped out of the burning building. "One more!" Helmut called and grabbed the last kid. "Run over there! Then jump!" he ordered.
The second he let the kid go, and the child jumped out, a heavy burning piece of wood fell on Helmut. The young teen hollered in pain, trying to get it off, but it was so heavy and hot that it was impossible. Death has come after him. 
"HELMUT!! NO!" shouted Prudence with tears in her eyes, about to run into the church to save him, but it was too late: the roof crashed down to the ground. "H-Helm-Helmut," she sobbed, pushing her hand toward the church. It was the most painful sight of Prudence's life.
"Rufus!! Emily!! Jackson! Matt!! Kendra!!" voices called, and people jumped over the fence. Then the children cried 'mommy' or 'daddy' and ran to the people. "That girl and a boy saved us from burning," one boy announced, pointing to Prudence. "The boy is dead," another girl explained, "he was left in the church and burned to death,"
"Look at that girl! She needs help!" one woman gasped, and the crowd ran to Prudence, who was completely passed out, covered in ashes, "Oh my god, there's self-cuts on her hands! And beatings from a belt! She needs medical attention immediately! Go, call 911 now, somebody!" One of the parents ran home and called the ambulance.

"Prudence....wake up..." a voice echoed in the girl's ears hours later. Prudence barely opened her eyes and tried to wake up. "Sis? Are you ok?" said the voice again, as Prudence felt a hand feel hers. "Dan? F-Fred?" she weakly whispered. "It's Dan...Fred's in prison. You're a hero," whispered Dan. "Helmut..." Prudence murmured, "Helmut..."
"Helmut is dead....I'm sorry..." Dan's sad voice sighed. "Sis....stay with me....don't go away...the doctor told me you will live..."
Prudence could hardly stay awake. "Dan....how...how did you...find me?" she asked. "I saw in the newspaper this morning," he answered, "They showed the location, so I came here to find you. I came by taxi. I was very worried about you...Palutena and Richard didn't even try to find you..."

Time passed by, Prudence was released from the hospital, and went back to Detroit. One day, she was taking a stroll, and an arm grabbed her shoulder. "Prudence?" said a voice. It was Joshik. Uh oh, thought Prudence. "Joshik..did something happen?" she asked, trying to make it seem like she didn't know anything about Sara's death.

"I haven't seen you in more than a week," he uttered, letting her shoulder go. "I was worried about you deeply...also...I read about you and Helmut in the newspaper...I'm so sorry for your loss,"

Prudence nodded. "Also, Prudence?" Joshik started. Oh, no...this is definitely about the death, Prudence thought and sweated even more. "Sara has been missing for a long time, nobody could find her. There's a rumor that she was kidnapped. She was last seen near the woods by the elementary school near my house. If anyone finds her, there is a free plane ticket to any country as a reward. Have you heard of her at all?"

Prudence's face was covered in sweat. "Oh...no! I know nothing. You know that we're enemies, I don't talk to her!" she said and pretended to check the time on her watch. "Oh...listen, Joshik, I gotta run, it's time for me," she uttered. "Well, I'll see you later then," he answered, waving.

The girl ran to her house and did not stop. "Amore...Amore...where are you? WHERE ARE YOU?!" she literally screamed once she ran into her room. But her diary wasn't in her usual spot. "AMORE!! WHERE DID YOU GO?" she screamed when she saw a ghost. Prudence gasped: "a...a GHOST?! What in the world-"

But it wasn't a plain ghost. It was Sara's one. "You keep calm," she uttered, pressing her ghostly finger to her mouth. "You killed me. And the police are looking for you. Is that right?"

Prudence shuddered. She did not know what to say. "Well, I will give you up to the police," said Sara's ghost, smirking. "They won't believe you," Prudence's teeth trembled. "Yes, they will. I have proof," she mentioned and showed Prudence a book. It was Amore. "Give that back now," groaned Prudence, reaching for it. "No, bitch. You killed me. You spoiled my dreams, my life, my emotions were screwed up because of your ass. You ain't getting away with this. I will report you," Sara made a smug face. "You're a goddamn ghost, bastard!! How will the police know who turned my shit in! NOW GIVE IT BACK, SLUT!!" she screamed, diving at Sara's ghost. "You're not getting it back! Go to hell!" snapped the ghost, yanking it away. "I will get a vacuum cleaner and suck your ass up!" hollered Prudence and then just plainly began screaming like a spoiled three year old who was told no. But Sara's ghost kept smirking and yanking away her diary.

Three minutes later, out of nowhere, something hard hit Prudence on the head. "OOF!!" she groaned, and stroke down to the floor. She saw a blurry body standing next to her. "Prudence!" said a hoarse, heavy Russian accent.

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