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Three and a half hours later

Rosalind woke up. There was a murder scene on her bed. Blood was everywhere. She screamed and fell off her bed when she spotted a piece of cardboard with a message written on it in messy ink:

I removed that thing from your stomach. I bet Robin is happy as hell. -Anonymous

"No...no...NO!!" hollered Rosalind, feeling her stomach. There was a seventy-two centimeter cut on there. "What the hell is going on?!" she gasped, "I can't believe this shit!"

 She went to the bathroom and removed a pregnancy test from the drawer.

Not pregnant.

Rosalind tried to remember who was there before gassing her. A person in a white mask. But who was it? All she saw was the person's eyes. They were grey. Was it Prudence? Could Sara's spirit be right? Nah...it's just a ghost, or even worse, a hallucination.

"Good morning," Sara's voice said. "Looks like somebody got an abortion,"
-"Well, my pregnancy test says that I'm not pregnant. Before I fell asleep, somebody in a white suit attacked me, and after that, I don't know what happened,"

Sara's ghost floated into the room. "I told you it's Prudence,"

Rosalind: "Shut up! You can't just assume it's her,"

Sara: "I sure can. I saw her put on the costume, bribe your brother with a candy bar, and I read the plan in her diary-"

Rosalind: "Look, Sara Capital Of Russia: just because some girl named Prudence killed you, that doesn't mean this Prudence aborted my unborn son. One: the Prudence that murdered you is dead, it's been two years since she killed herself, it was in the news, I promise you. Two: the person in the white costume had a masculine voice. Three: you're a ghost, so I can't believe anything you say. If I will go to the police department and they'll ask me if there are any witnesses that can help prove it's true, what will I tell them? The witness is a ghost girl who was killed by a girl with the same name as the person believed to be the one who aborted my child without my permission? Nope. Like they'll believe me,"

Sara got angry. "Look, Rosalind. You just refuse to believe me because of what I did to you in mid-ninth grade. You're just still angry at me because of that incident. Remember Jefferson Hughes? He was the hottest male in our grade, even Prudence thought he was hot. You and Robin were dating then. Robin went to Vancouver with his family in February that year, and you started flirting with Jefferson, hoping Robin wouldn't find out. I had a crush on Jefferson for such a long time and even had thoughts of losing my virginity to him. My male best friend, Andriy Domashevsky, you know him, right? That tall, skinny Ukranian kid with black longish hair. He told me he saw you with Jefferson on Valentine's Day night. You two went to Jeff's house, Andriy was spying on you. He said he climbed a tree by Jefferson's house and saw the whole thing. What were you doing...oh right! You were sitting in Jefferson's lap and you two were french kissing. Then Andriy saw you taking your shirt off and showing your breasts off. Jefferson wasn't thrilled and made you halt. You refused, however, when Jeff threatened to tell Robin everything, you immediately put your clothes back on. As I said before, he told me the whole story. I was dying of jealousy and decided to revenge. When Robin came back from Vancouver I told him everything that Andriy described. Robin was unhappy and planned to dump you. You were enraged and after school, you caught me and pressed a burning cigarette on my face, then said you'll never talk to me again. And after Prudence killed me, you didn't even show up on my funeral. I assume you still hate me for what I told Robin,"

Rosalind scratched her head. "I remember that story perfectly. And just in case you were wondering, Andriy went back to Ukraine last July. And yes, I'm still incandescent at you for that. Robin refused to speak to me for a whole month until I bribed Jefferson with a sixty dollar GameStop gift card to get him to tell Robin that it was all a prank you and Jefferson made and I didn't mean to cheat on him. Jefferson took the money and fibbed to Robin. Robin believed him, forgave me and we got back together,"

Sara: "Rosalind...I'm serious. If you want to find out who Prudence really is, you have to read her diary. She's been writing in it since December 2014. She skipped the whole 2016 because she was dead, but some perished dude from the Roman Empire brought her back to life,"

Rosalind: "Sara, this is nonsense! You can't bring a person back to life,"

Sara: "You can argue with me forever, but please try to get ahold of her diary and read it. It has all the information in there,"

And her ghost disappeared.

February 14, 2017

Dear Amore,

The abortion was successful. I dressed as a white ninja so nobody would recognize me, snuck into her apartment, and some little boy saw me. Austin was his name, he said. Must have been Rosalind's brother or something. Thank god he's just a little kid, I was easily able to get away. I bribed him with a Milky Way and made my way to Rosalind's room. She was in there, taking a nap. Queen of Naps, Jesus Christ. Well, I snuck in, gassed her (not killed her, just put her to sleep) and aborted her son. Sorry, Robin Junior Lansing or whatever your name was supposed to be. I made the abortion in a horror version. I stabbed her stomach with a needle Ledger gave me when he was training me to fight, and opened up her body. I stopped the blood in time. I removed the fetus from her stomach and stitched it back together. Her boyfriend will probably be happy about this. However, he won't find out I did the abortion. I won't tell him anything. Praying now that he'll break up with her. Wish me luck, love.

Best, Prudence. 

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